hi Bot GPT 3.5 want to play guess the game by the emoji

ðŸŠī🧟 ðŸŒą

Sure, I'd love to play! Is the game "Plants vs. Zombies"?

correct no give me one

Great! Here's another one for you: 🚗🏁ðŸŽŪ

Rally fury?

Close, but not quite! The game I was thinking of is "Mario Kart". Give it another try!

okey try this one


Is it "Cat Quest"?

nope its stray your turn

Got it! Here's one for you: ðŸš€ðŸ‘―ðŸ”Ŧ

Galagan if not give me another try

Close, but not quite! The game I was thinking of is "Doom". Give it another try!