The ideas of Enlightenment philosphers John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau laid the foundations for modern Western democratic governments. What reforms expand democracy in newly industiralized societies?

More suffrage -- that is permitting men without property to vote -- and eventually granting suffrage to women.

To determine the reforms that expand democracy in newly industrialized societies, it is important to understand the principles and ideas put forth by Enlightenment philosophers like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. These philosophers emphasized concepts such as individual rights, social contract, natural equality, and popular sovereignty. Their ideas formed the basis for modern Western democratic governments.

Now, when it comes to expanding democracy in newly industrialized societies, several key reforms can be considered:

1. Universal Suffrage: Granting the right to vote to all adult citizens, regardless of their gender, race, or social status, is a fundamental reform in expanding democracy. This ensures broader representation and allows citizens to have a voice in choosing their leaders.

2. Electoral Reforms: Implementing fair and transparent electoral processes is crucial. This includes ensuring free and fair elections, establishing independent election commissions, combating corruption, and improving the overall integrity of the electoral system.

3. Separation of Powers: Adopting a system of government with a clear separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches is vital. This ensures checks and balances, preventing the concentration of power in any one institution or individual.

4. Protection of Civil Liberties: Guaranteeing and protecting civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion, is crucial in promoting democracy. This allows for open dialogue, diverse opinions, and the free exchange of ideas.

5. Access to Education: Promoting universal access to education is essential as it empowers citizens with knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary for active citizenship and informed decision-making.

6. Strengthening Civil Society: Encouraging the formation and participation of civic organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and independent media outlets promotes public engagement and strengthens democratic institutions.

7. Creating an Independent Judiciary: Establishing a fair and independent judicial system is key to protecting individual rights, ensuring the rule of law, and offering citizens an avenue for seeking justice and resolving disputes.

8. Decentralization of Power: Striving for a decentralized power structure where local and regional governments have autonomy helps foster citizen participation and representation at various levels of governance.

These reforms, among others, help expand democracy in newly industrialized societies by ensuring equal rights, promoting active citizen participation, and fostering accountable and transparent governance. Implementing them requires a collaborative effort between the government, civil society, and the citizens themselves.