Can someone please help me with this?

I need to write a paper as if I was a Radical Republican Senator and representing the Radical Republicans.
In this paper I need to talk about the challenges of Reconstruction.
I also need to talk about the failure of Reconstruction.
Here is some challenges that I found or I think that they are challenges:
1. They wanted to punish the South. 2. They wanted to destroy the power of slaveowning with the Southern Democrats. 3. Make black citizens with all civil rights. 4. They wanted to control the Reconstruction. 5. They disagreed with Lincoln and thought that his plan was not harsh enough.
Are these challenges ?
What caused the failure is: sharecropping, segragation, the fate of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Is this right?

So is my answers correct? I am totally confused by this assignment.


Yes, you have identified some of the key challenges of Reconstruction as a Radical Republican Senator. Here's an explanation of each challenge you mentioned:

1. Punishing the South: Radical Republicans advocated for harsh punishments for the Southern states that seceded from the Union during the Civil War. They believed that the Confederacy should be held accountable for their actions.

2. Destroying the power of slaveowning with the Southern Democrats: Radical Republicans sought to dismantle the political power of the Southern Democrats, who were associated with slavery and secession. They aimed to ensure that the former Confederate states would not regain their previous influence.

3. Granting civil rights to black citizens: Radical Republicans strongly supported the civil rights of newly-emancipated African Americans. They aimed to secure equal rights and protections for Black citizens, including suffrage and legal equality.

4. Controlling the Reconstruction: Radical Republicans wanted to have a significant say in how the Reconstruction process would unfold. They were concerned that more moderate Republicans, such as President Lincoln, would be too lenient towards the Southern states.

5. Disagreements with Lincoln: As you mentioned, Radical Republicans did not fully agree with President Lincoln's more lenient approach to Reconstruction. They believed that his plan, known as the Ten Percent Plan, was insufficient in addressing the grievances of the formerly enslaved population and punishing the South.

Regarding the causes of Reconstruction's failure, you are partly correct. Three factors that contributed to the failure of Reconstruction were:

1. Sharecropping: The system of sharecropping emerged after the Civil War, effectively re-enslaving many African American families. This exploitative agricultural system ensured that former slaves remained trapped in poverty and debt, hindering their socio-economic progress.

2. Segregation: The emergence of "Jim Crow" laws enforced racial segregation in the South, denying African Americans their newly-won civil rights. These discriminatory laws further suppressed the political and social advancement of Black Americans.

3. Fate of the Fourteenth Amendment: While the Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed equal protection under the law for all citizens, its implementation was weakened over time. Court rulings and lack of enforcement at both the federal and state levels limited the amendment's impact in safeguarding the rights of African Americans.

It's important to note that these are just a few of the challenges and factors contributing to the failure of Reconstruction. Other influential factors include violence against freedmen, economic struggles, and political compromises made to maintain peace.