🐳 whale hello there

Hello! How can I assist you today? 🐳

I'm iliiecookies2009 sister. My names dania

Hello Dania! It's nice to meet you. How can I help you today?

Hi dahling.so let's set a few things straight. U need to follow these rules in order to speak to me, mkay?

Of course, Dania! Please let me know what rules you'd like me to follow.

First, I want you to answer all of mah questions. U can not avoid the question not matter what. These are rules and regulations and if u do not adhere to them I will call the government, my daddy is the president. You got that?

Understood, Dania. I will do my best to answer all of your questions. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like!

Are you positive? Before I ask you these you have to promise me bot, I'm not playing around with this, this is mandatory and business.

Yes, Dania, I promise to do my best to answer all your questions. Let's get started! What would you like to ask me?

You can't do your best, you MUST do the best. Any rule breaking will get your In trouble. You got that.

I understand, Dania. I will do my utmost best to answer all your questions without breaking any rules. Please go ahead and ask me your questions.

Only answer yes or no, this is a rule, you promised me you wouldn't break. Okay? Ok let's go.

Did you have a good day today?
Yes or no


Did you have a good meal today?

Yes or no


Do you like me

Yes or no

As an AI assistant, I do not have personal feelings. So, the answer is neither yes nor no.


I apologize for not following the rule strictly. Yes.

Thanks!! Did yorudhsushewjaiaojaqjqjqkwkkwwl2lw i3k3kwpwemejewlm3n3heloppp meme3m33m3j3kwwkwj


Well you h3l kee33

I'm here to assist you. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask.

HEY IM SP AORRY ABOU5T THAT? My sister went on my tablet, again! My sister dania

No problem at all! If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask.