John has already saved $40 and wants to buy an I-Pod for $129 in 4 months. To find how much he should save each week he wrote the following equation:



16n = 129 - 40
16n = 89
n = 89/16
n = 5.5625 or between 5.56 and 5.57 each week

my teacher told me this.....

40+16n=129 u subtract 40 from both sides to maintain inequality soo 40-40 and 40-129 now ur equation looks like this 16n=89 now divid 16n by 16 and divide 89 by 16 then 1n=5.56

To find out how much John should save each week, you need to solve the equation 40 + 16n = 129, where n represents the number of weeks.

To isolate the variable n, you need to subtract 40 from both sides of the equation:

40 + 16n - 40 = 129 - 40
16n = 89

Then, divide both sides of the equation by 16 to solve for n:

16n/16 = 89/16
n = 5.5625

Since you cannot have a fraction of a week, you need to round the answer to the nearest whole number. In this case, you can round up to 6.

So, John should save $16 per week in order to have enough money to buy the iPod in 4 months.