from Feast of Fear: Conversations with Stephen King:

..."And I get paid to show people the different perspective. That's why people pay writers and aritists. That's the only reason we're around. We're excess baggage. I have no skill that improves the quality of life in a physical sense at all. The only thing I can do is say: "Look here, this is the way you didn't look at it before. It's just a cloud to you, but look at it, doesn't it look like an elephant?" Somebody says: "Boy! That does look like an elephant." And for that, people pay because they've lost all of it themselves. You know, I'm like a person who makes eyeglasses for the mind."

In this, he seems to be saying that the artist's job is to look carefully and point out the things that they see. He also is making the point that people buy books because they've lost their own imaginations and need the author to show them new things.

The activity: 'Write King a letter telling him how you feel about his interview. What do you think writers and artists do for us?'

I'm not exactly sure what to write here...basically I think writers and artists help us to open up our imagination in ordinary things that seem bland to the eye; They help us explore places right from our home and they inspire us to imagine and dream. Is that alright?


I think you are right on. They also give us an opportunity to go places and meet people that we would otherwise not be able to meet.

Dear Stephen King,

I recently read your interview in "Feast of Fear" and it truly resonated with me. Your perspective on the role of writers and artists struck a chord, and I felt compelled to write and express my thoughts.

I wholeheartedly agree with your assertion that writers and artists have the unique ability to provide readers and viewers with a different perspective. In a world that often focuses on the tangible and material aspects of life, it is refreshing to have someone guide us to see the beauty and wonder in the seemingly ordinary.

Your analogy of being "eyeglasses for the mind" perfectly captures the essence of what writers and artists do for us. By immersing ourselves in your stories or contemplating a thought-provoking piece of art, we are transported to new worlds, guided to see things in a different light, and encouraged to use our own imagination. Through your work, you help us reclaim the sense of wonder and awe that may have been dulled by the demands of everyday life.

Moreover, I agree with your observation that people often turn to writers and artists because they feel they have lost their own imaginations. In a world saturated with distractions, it can become challenging to tap into our creativity and fully appreciate the magic that surrounds us. This is where you and your fellow artists step in, igniting that spark of imagination and reminding us of the endless possibilities that lie within our own minds.

In my opinion, writers and artists are catalysts for personal growth, inspiration, and cultural progress. They encourage us to think beyond the surface, challenge societal norms, and explore new perspectives. Whether it's through literature, paintings, music, or films, writers and artists have the power to move us emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.

In a time when imagination is needed more than ever, I want to express my gratitude for the invaluable contribution that you and your fellow writers and artists make to society. You help us uncover the extraordinary within the ordinary and inspire us to embrace our own creative potential. Through your craft, you provide solace, escapism, and enlightenment.

Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts in the interview. Your words have only deepened my appreciation for the artist's role in our lives. Keep on crafting your stories and offering us those eyeglasses for the mind, for we need them now more than ever.

With utmost respect and admiration,

[Your Name]