Children with special needs should

A be directed to lower age-level activities.
B have little interaction with other.
C be directed to appropriate age-level and development activities.
D have stricter discipline.

I believe that C is the better answer

None of these are good answers. Children with special needs have such a huge variety of different needs that none of these answers is correct.

A child may have vision, mobility, hearing, developmental, emotional, or other needs. The developmental needs in themselves will vary greatly from one child to another.

Children with special needs should be provided with activities that are appropriate for him or her. It has little to do with age-level.

for each person explain accurately two ways in which they communicate with others,a baby 9months,a child 9year old,a teenager 17year old,middle age 45year old and an elderly person 73year old

Correct! Option C, "be directed to appropriate age-level and development activities," is the better answer for children with special needs. But let me explain why.

Children with special needs have unique learning and developmental needs that may differ from their peers. It is essential to provide them with activities that are suitable for their age and development level.

Option A, "be directed to lower age-level activities," might underestimate their capabilities and hinder their growth. By engaging them in age-appropriate activities, we give them the opportunity to develop and learn at their own pace, which is crucial for their overall development.

Option B, "have little interaction with others," is not ideal either. Social interaction is important for all children, including those with special needs. Interacting with others allows them to develop communication skills, social cues, empathy, and cooperation. However, it is important to ensure that the interaction is facilitated in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Option D, "have stricter discipline," is not suitable either. Children with special needs may require different approaches when it comes to discipline, as their behaviors may be influenced by their disability. It is important to use positive reinforcement, clear expectations, and consistent boundaries rather than strict discipline.

In summary, option C, "be directed to appropriate age-level and development activities," is the most appropriate choice as it takes into consideration the specific needs and abilities of children with special needs while allowing them to grow and develop in a supportive and inclusive environment.