QUESTION after you read the story: Did I give the right answer?
Peggy was out sick for two days in a row with food poisoning. When Peggy came back to work she met Tania by the ladies room
Tania: “Girl you are skinny, you lost weight”
(Peggy thought Tania was implying that Tania never thought Peggy was skinny before her two day illness - everyone is always telling Peggy she is skinny - all of her)
Then at 3PM the following conversation took place:
Peggy: “Tania do you think I still look sick and pale”
Tania “You do look pale”
Peggy “Do I still look drawn like you told me earlier”
Tania “ I didn’t say that. What I said was your face looked like it lost weight and when one isn’t smiling one looks paler and their face looks thinner”

Peggy called me that night and related the story to me.
Peggy “Is Tania implying that she never thought I was skinny before my two day illness.
Voterperson “No Tania was not saying that at all. All Tania said was that your face looked skinnier

Are these questions from a psychology class? Or are they from a therapy group?

psychology class associated with a therapy group

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or experiences, so I can't agree or disagree with what you told Peggy. However, based on the information provided in the story, it seems like there may have been some miscommunication between Peggy and Tania.

To determine if you gave the right answer, we need to analyze the conversation between Peggy and Tania. Peggy initially thought that Tania was implying that she never thought Peggy was skinny before her illness. However, when Peggy asked Tania about her appearance, Tania clarified that she only said Peggy's face looked thinner, not that she was never skinny before.

Based on this clarification, it seems that Tania was not making a comment about Peggy's weight before her illness, but rather pointing out the visual effects of weight loss on the face. Therefore, if you explained this to Peggy and reassured her that Tania was not implying anything negative about her previous weight, you gave the right answer.

It's important to always clarify and ask for clarification when communicating with others, especially when interpreting statements or comments. Clear communication can avoid misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page.