Can someone plz solve this


Sure! To solve the expression 2a + 3b - c + (a - b - c) - (2a - 4b + 3c), we'll simplify it step by step.

First, let's remove the parentheses using the distributive property. We'll distribute the positive sign to (a - b - c) and the negative sign to (2a - 4b + 3c):

2a + 3b - c + a - b - c - 2a + 4b - 3c

Next, let's combine like terms. Group the "a" terms, the "b" terms, and the "c" terms:

(2a - 2a) + (a) + (3b + 4b - b) + (-c - c - 3c)

Simplifying further:

0a + a + 6b - 5c

Finally, we can simplify further by combining like terms:

a + 6b - 5c

So, the simplified expression is a + 6b - 5c.