The table shows the amount of species of bees and the amount of species of spiders that have been collected in Georgia.

Insect: Population
Bee 2 x 10^2
Spider 4 x 10^1
How many times more bee species are there than spiders? (2 points)
5 times more bee species
20 times more bee species
4 times more bee species
2 times more bee species

4 times more bee species

A student simplified this expression: 3^3⋅3^−2/(3^6)^2 using these steps:

Step 1: 3^−6/3^12
Step 2: 1/3^6⋅3^12
Step 3: 1/3^18
Which of these steps contains a mistake from the previous step? (1 point)
There are no mistakes. The answer is correct.
Step 1 had the mistake. Correct answer to this step is 3^1/3^12
Step 2 had the mistake. Correct answer to this step is 3^6
Step 3 had the mistake. Correct answer to this step is 1/3^6

Step 2 had the mistake. The correct answer should be: 1/3^6

On an average weekend, 7^4 people visit Times Square and 7^6 people visit the Great Wall of China. On an average weekend, how many times more people visit the Great Wall of China than Times Square?(1 point)

14 times more people visit The Great Wall
24 times more people visit The Great Wall
49 times more people visit The Great Wall
70 times more people visit The Great Wall

49 times more people visit The Great Wall

Which expression is NOT equivalent to (3x^4)^0?

x^4 ⋅ 0x^3
3x^2/3x ⋅ x
3x^2 ⋅ (1/3) x^-2

x^4 ⋅ 0x^3 is NOT equivalent to (3x^4)^0.

Put the simplified expressions in order on the number line from least to greatest.

(-2)^-8 x (-2)^11

First, simplify each expression:

1) 1/4^-2 = 1/4^(-2) = 4^2 = 16

2) (-2)^-8 x (-2)^11 = (-2)^(-8+11) = (-2)^3 = -8

3) 2^6-2^4/2^2 = 2^2 - 2 = 4 - 2 = 2

4) (1/2)^-3 = 2^3 = 8

Putting the simplified expressions in order from least to greatest:

-8 < 2 < 16 < 8

which number goes with which expression

My apologies for misunderstanding the question. Let's match the numbers with their respective expressions:

1) 1/4^-2 = 16
2) (-2)^-8 x (-2)^11 = -8
3) 2^6-2^4/2^2 = 2
4) (1/2)^-3 = 8

Correct matching:
1) 1/4^-2 = 16
2) (-2)^-8 x (-2)^11 = -8
3) 2^6-2^4/2^2 = 2
4) (1/2)^-3 = 8

I apologize for the confusion in the previous response. Thank you for your patience.