I have a question. When your using a quote is it if it's 5 or more lines its indented in 5 spaces and if it's 4 or less lines it goes into your paragraph. How does that go again.

When using quotations in academic writing, the rules for indentation can vary depending on the citation style guide you are following, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. I'll explain the general guidelines for APA and MLA styles:

1. In APA style:
- For quotations of 40 words or more, they should be displayed in a block format, indented five spaces from the left margin, without quotation marks. The whole quote is double-spaced.
- For quotations of fewer than 40 words, you can incorporate them into your paragraph using double quotation marks, without indentation.

2. In MLA style:
- For quotations of four or more lines, they should be set in a block format, indented one inch from the left margin. In MLA, the whole quote is also double-spaced, but you don't need to use quotation marks.
- For quotations of three lines or fewer, you can include them within your paragraph using double quotation marks, without indentation.

It's important to consult the specific style guide recommended by your instructor or institution to ensure accurate and consistent formatting.