What are three similarities between the Roman republic government and the United States government? What are three differences between the Roman republic government and the United States government?

(4 points)
write in 2-4 sentences as a 5th grader

Three similarities between the Roman republic government and the United States government are that both have a system of checks and balances, both have a Senate made up of elected officials, and both have a system of representative democracy where citizens elect leaders to make decisions for them.

Three differences between the Roman republic government and the United States government are that the Roman republic government had two Consuls as the highest leaders instead of a President, the Roman government had a system of magistrates with different roles, and the Roman government had a Censor who was in charge of government morals and behaviors.

put them together in 3-4 sentences as a 5th gradrer

The Roman republic government and the United States government are similar because they both have checks and balances, a Senate, and are run by elected officials. The differences between them are that Rome had two Consuls instead of a President, different magistrates with special jobs, and a Censor to watch over how people behaved in the government.

what is one more way that they differ from each other

One more way that the Roman republic government and the United States government differ is in their laws. The Roman government had a system of laws called the Twelve Tables, while the United States government follows a Constitution with amendments.

one more

Another way that the Roman republic government and the United States government differ is in their systems of taxation. In ancient Rome, taxation was collected by publicans who often faced corruption and unfair practices, while in the United States, taxes are collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in a more organized and regulated manner.

Read the quote about women in Roman society.

“[T]he position of the Roman matron was quite different from that of the Greek matron in the time of Pericles. The Roman matron was mistress in her own household. As the husband took charge of all external transactions, so the wife was supreme in household arrangements.”

—James Donaldson, Woman; Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome

Based on your knowledge of the role of women in the Roman republic, provide evidence to prove the author’s claim that the position of Roman women was different from that of Greek women.
answer in 2-4 sentences as a 5th grader

In ancient Rome, women had more authority and control within their own households compared to women in ancient Greece. Roman women were responsible for managing the daily affairs of the household and making important decisions about the family, while Greek women had less independence and were not typically involved in household management. This evidence shows that Roman women had more influence and power in their own homes than Greek women did.

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