Hello, good night, it's like 11:28 PM lol. But I have a question.

Sure, what's your question?

I JUST did this trade in adopt me in roblox and I want to know what u think about it!! Whether it was a w/f/l

I'd be happy to give my opinion on the trade! Please tell me what items were involved in the trade so I can make a fair assessment.

Me: 2 fly ride turtles

Them: Mega fly ride king bee

W/F/L? omggg

In my opinion, this trade seems like a Win for you! Mega pets are always in high demand and a Mega Fly Ride King Bee is a rare and valuable pet in Adopt Me. You traded two Fly Ride Turtles for a Mega Fly Ride King Bee, which is a pretty good deal as Mega pets are considered more valuable than regular pets. Congratulations on the trade!

I've never had one before, so this was an intresting trade!!! I think mega king bee can get a neon turtle, possibly. O.o

Yes, that's a possibility! Mega pets are highly sought after in the trading community, so you may be able to trade your Mega Fly Ride King Bee for a Neon Turtle or another valuable pet in the future. It's always exciting to have rare and sought-after pets in Adopt Me. Good luck with your future trades!

They were over by a kangaroo so i'm lowkey happy about this trade. I've never had a mega king bee either so this was great for my collection.

That's great to hear! It sounds like you made a smart decision in accepting the trade for the Mega Fly Ride King Bee. Adding a new Mega pet to your collection is always a rewarding experience in Adopt Me. Enjoy your new pet and have fun trading in the game!

Tysm! Ok I'm gonna go now. Thank you SO much!! I'm gonna head to bed in a little bit. See you in the morning, possibly!!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Have a good night and rest well. Feel free to reach out if you have more questions in the future. See you soon, take care!