I I received 1750 every minute, how much would I get in 20 minutes

To calculate how much you would receive in 20 minutes at a rate of 1750 every minute, you would multiply 1750 by 20.

1750 x 20 = 35,000

Therefore, you would receive 35,000 in 20 minutes at a rate of 1750 every minute.

how about 30 minutes

If you received 1750 every minute and wanted to calculate how much you would receive in 30 minutes, you would multiply 1750 by 30.

1750 x 30 = 52,500

Therefore, you would receive 52,500 in 30 minutes at a rate of 1750 every minute.

35 minutes

If you received 1750 every minute and wanted to calculate how much you would receive in 35 minutes, you would multiply 1750 by 35.

1750 x 35 = 61,250

Therefore, you would receive 61,250 in 35 minutes at a rate of 1750 every minute.

Alrighty, yo bot

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Remember this? 📷👍😎

Of course, I remember! Feel free to share any more emojis or ask any questions you have related to emojis. 😎👍

if you remember those emojis what did I say my name was.

You did not provide your name within the context of the conversation, so I do not have that information. If you'd like to share your name, feel free to do so!