To punish John for clowning around, his teacher makes him sit up front where she can keep an eye on him. John loves attention and secretly has always wanted to sit in the front of the class where he can be the center of attention. John's clowning around behavior: A) is now unconditioned response B) will now decresase C) had been effectively punished D) has been positively reinforced

What do you think is the best answer?

i believe that the answer is A

I don't see how clowning around is an unconditioned response.

What did John secretly want?

john loves attention

want to grab attention

so it could be D has been positively reinforced

Right! By moving John to the front, the teacher has positively reinforced his clowning behavior.

Erica tries to avoid her boss when he's in a bad mood. To keep out of his way, she spends more time doing dreade but important paperwork, which she usually puts off as long as she can. Her employer's bad moods have the effect of_________ her attention to the dreaded paaperwork.

A) negatively reinforcing B) positively reinforcing C) positively punishing D) negatively punishing

Are the bosses bad moods punishing or reinforcing her attention to the important paperwork? Is it negative or positive?

i belive that is a positive one so it could be B

I'm not sure, so I'm sending this post to our volunteer Jiskha psychologist.

punishing a behavior by ignoring it: A) works best if you just don't give in B) works best if you also reinforce the alternative behavior you want C) can only lead to worse problems D) will cause an immediatw decrease in the behavior

Reinforcement can either be positive or negative. Positive reinforcement is giving a desired goal, while negative reinforcement is getting rid of an aversive stimulus. Does that tell you which answer is correct?

Punishment can either be accomplished by giving an aversive stimulus (scolding, spanking) or taking away a desired stimulus (no dessert or allowance). However, I have never heard the terms "positively punishing" or "negatively punishing."

Punishment only tells a person "what not to do," while reinforcing the the desired behavior tells them "what to do."

Before I became a psychologist, I can remember telling one of my boys not to run in the road. One time, I caught him running in the road and yelled, "DON'T RUN IN THE ROAD!" He immediately stopped and stood still in the middle of the road, stating, "I'm not running, Daddy."

I only had told him what not to do, and he complied. However, had I instructed him to play on the sidewalk, front yard or playground only (and reinforced that behavior), my response would have been much more effective.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.