Sure, how can I help you?

Is there another way I can change my phone number on Microsoft Rewards? Everytime I try to open the microsoft rewards home page, it keeps effin refreshing.

If you are having trouble changing your phone number on Microsoft Rewards because the webpage keeps refreshing, you may want to try a few different troubleshooting steps:

1. Clear your browser's cache and cookies: Sometimes, stored data in your browser can cause loading issues on websites. Clearing your cache and cookies may help resolve the problem.

2. Try a different web browser: If you are using a specific browser that is causing the issue, try accessing the Microsoft Rewards website using a different browser to see if the problem persists.

3. Use a different device: If possible, try accessing the Microsoft Rewards website on a different device, such as a smartphone or tablet, to see if the issue is specific to your computer.

4. Contact Microsoft support: If none of the above solutions work, you may need to contact Microsoft support for assistance with changing your phone number on Microsoft Rewards. They may be able to provide further guidance on how to resolve the issue.

I hope one of these suggestions helps you resolve the problem with changing your phone number on Microsoft Rewards.

How do I clear my cache and cookies?

To clear your cache and cookies, follow these general steps, as the exact process may vary depending on the browser you are using:

1. Chrome:
- Click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the browser window.
- Select "More tools" and then "Clear browsing data."
- Choose a time range (such as "Last hour" or "All time").
- Check the boxes next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files."
- Click on "Clear data."

2. Firefox:
- Click on the menu button in the top right corner of the browser window.
- Select "Options" and then "Privacy & Security."
- Scroll down to the "Cookies and Site Data" section.
- Click on "Clear Data."
- Check the boxes next to "Cookies and Site Data" and "Cached Web Content."
- Click "Clear."

3. Safari:
- Click on "Safari" in the top menu bar.
- Select "Preferences" and then "Privacy."
- Click on "Manage Website Data."
- Select "Remove All" to clear all cookies and website data.

4. Microsoft Edge:
- Click on the three horizontal dots in the top right corner of the browser window.
- Select "Settings" and then "Privacy, search, and services."
- Under "Clear browsing data," click on "Choose what to clear."
- Check the boxes next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files."
- Click on "Clear now."

After clearing your cache and cookies, try accessing the Microsoft Rewards website again to see if the issue with changing your phone number has been resolved.

FOr microsoft edge, do I click choose what to cler evertime I close the browser?

No, you do not need to click on "Choose what to clear" every time you close the browser in Microsoft Edge. Once you have selected your preferences for clearing browsing data, you can set Microsoft Edge to automatically clear your data when you close the browser.

Here's how you can set Microsoft Edge to clear your browsing data when you close the browser:

1. Open Microsoft Edge.
2. Click on the three horizontal dots in the top right corner of the browser window.
3. Select "Settings" from the dropdown menu.
4. Scroll down and click on "Privacy, search, and services" in the left-hand menu.
5. Under the "Clear browsing data" section, turn on the toggle switch next to "Always clear this when I close the browser."
6. You can then customize which data you want to clear by clicking on "Choose what to clear" and selecting the options you prefer.
7. Close the settings tab.

With this setting enabled, Microsoft Edge will automatically clear your selected data (such as cookies and cached images) each time you close the browser. This can help improve your browsing privacy and may also help resolve any issues related to cached data causing website loading problems.

Will anything happen if I clear it? Just asking; I've never done this before.

Clearing your browser cache and cookies is a common maintenance task that helps improve the performance and security of your browsing experience. Here are some key points to keep in mind when clearing your browser data:

1. **Improved Performance:** Clearing your cache and cookies can help improve the performance of your browser by removing stored data that may slow down loading times or cause issues with websites.

2. **Privacy:** Clearing cookies removes data that websites use to track your browsing behavior, which can help protect your privacy online. However, it may also sign you out of websites and reset preferences.

3. **Login Information:** Clearing cookies may log you out of websites and require you to log in again. It may also remove saved passwords and autofill data.

4. **Website Settings:** Clearing cookies may reset specific website settings or preferences that you have saved.

Overall, clearing your cache and cookies is a safe practice and can help resolve certain browsing issues. Your browsing experience may feel slightly different after clearing this data, but in most cases, it should not cause any significant problems. If you have concerns about specific data being removed, you can always check the settings in your browser to customize which data you want to clear.

Ahh alr that's not to bad. Hold on ima go see if it worked.

Sure, take your time to see if clearing your cache and cookies has resolved the issue with changing your phone number on Microsoft Rewards. If you encounter any other problems or have further questions, feel free to ask for assistance.

It didn't work. It just signed me out of all my accounts. :'( well I'll try the next one.

I'm sorry to hear that clearing your cache and cookies didn't work as expected and signed you out of your accounts. Sometimes clearing browser data can have unintended consequences, such as signing you out of websites where you were previously logged in.

If you're still experiencing issues with changing your phone number on Microsoft Rewards, you may want to try the following steps:

1. Try accessing the Microsoft Rewards website on a different device or browser to see if the issue persists.
2. Contact Microsoft support for assistance with changing your phone number on your Microsoft Rewards account.
3. Check for any browser extensions or plugins that may be causing conflicts on the website and temporarily disable them to see if that resolves the issue.

If none of these steps work, Microsoft support should be able to provide further guidance on how to troubleshoot and resolve the issue with changing your phone number on Microsoft Rewards. Let me know if you need any further assistance.

None of these worked. It's those hackers messing with my crap I'm so sick of them

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing ongoing issues with your account and suspecting hackers. If you believe your account has been compromised or if you suspect unauthorized access, it's essential to take immediate action to secure your account and protect your personal information. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Change your passwords: Update the passwords for all your accounts, including your Microsoft Rewards account and any other accounts that may be linked to it.

2. Enable two-factor authentication: Set up two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security. This will require a code or verification from another device to log in to your account.

3. Check for any unauthorized activity: Review your account activity for any unfamiliar transactions or changes. Report any suspicious activity to Microsoft.

4. Contact Microsoft support: Reach out to Microsoft's customer support for assistance in securing your account and resolving any issues with changing your phone number on Microsoft Rewards.

5. Consider contacting your internet service provider or a cybersecurity professional for further assistance in securing your devices and accounts.

Security is paramount, so it's crucial to address any suspected compromises promptly. Hopefully, with these steps, you can strengthen your account security and resolve the issues you're facing. If you need further guidance or assistance, don't hesitate to ask.

Wait there's one thing I didn't try

Sure, go ahead and let me know what you haven't tried yet, and I'll do my best to assist you with that.

alright it turns out these mfs did it to one account only. it's not refreshing when im on my other accounts.

It seems like the issue with the refreshing page on the Microsoft Rewards website is limited to one account only. If the problem is isolated to that specific account, there may be some account-specific settings or issues causing the problem.

Here are some steps you can try to address the issue with the refreshing page on that particular account:

1. **Clear browser data for that specific account**: Clear the cache and cookies specifically for the browser you are using with that account.

2. **Try a different browser for that account**: Use a different web browser when accessing that specific account to see if the refreshing issue persists.

3. **Check account settings**: Review the account settings on that particular account to ensure there are no unusual configurations causing the problem.

4. **Contact Microsoft support**: If the issue continues to persist on that specific account, you may want to reach out to Microsoft support for further assistance and troubleshooting.

By trying these steps, you may be able to pinpoint the source of the issue on that particular account and find a solution to prevent the page from continuously refreshing. Let me know if you need further guidance or assistance.

they're freaking losers and pssys dude

It can be frustrating and distressing to deal with individuals who engage in malicious or unethical behavior online. It's important to prioritize your account security and take proactive steps to protect your personal information from unauthorized access.

Here are some general tips to help safeguard your online accounts:

1. **Use strong, unique passwords:** Create complex passwords for your accounts and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. Consider using a password manager to securely store and manage your login information.

2. **Enable two-factor authentication:** Set up two-factor authentication wherever possible to add an extra layer of security to your accounts.

3. **Be cautious with emails and links:** Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown senders. Be wary of phishing attempts that may aim to trick you into revealing sensitive information.

4. **Regularly monitor your accounts:** Keep an eye on your account activity and look out for any unauthorized transactions or changes.

5. **Report suspicious activity:** If you believe your account has been compromised, contact the appropriate platform or service provider immediately to report the issue and seek assistance.

Remember that it's always important to prioritize your online safety and take steps to protect yourself from potential threats. If you encounter any further issues or need more assistance, feel free to reach out. Your security and privacy are paramount.

I'm sorry, I normally do NOT speak like this at all. In fact, I never did until these mfs started doing this crap that they're doing.

I completely understand your frustration and concern regarding the situation you're facing. Dealing with cyber threats and online harassment can be incredibly stressful and upsetting. It's important to remember that you're not alone in facing these challenges, and there are resources and support available to help you navigate these difficult situations.

If you're experiencing harassment or cyber threats, consider taking the following steps:

1. **Document the incidents:** Keep records of any harassing messages, activities, or hacking attempts. This information may be useful if you decide to report the issue.

2. **Report the harassment:** If you feel threatened or harassed, report the incidents to the relevant platform or service provider. They may be able to take action to address the situation.

3. **Reach out for support:** You're not alone in dealing with these challenges. Consider speaking to friends, family, or a mental health professional for support and guidance.

4. **Contact law enforcement:** If the situation escalates or if you feel physically threatened, don't hesitate to contact your local law enforcement authorities for assistance.

Remember to prioritize your well-being and safety during this time. It's understandable to feel frustrated and overwhelmed by the actions of others. Don't hesitate to seek help and support as needed. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out.

It's not only online, it's in person to. Stalking, harassing, watching us 24/7. They need to go kts.

I'm truly sorry to hear that you're experiencing such distressing and intimidating situations both online and in person. Dealing with stalking, harassment, and intrusion into your personal life can be profoundly unsettling and disruptive. Your safety and well-being are paramount, and it's crucial to take steps to protect yourself and address these concerning behaviors.

Here are some important actions you can consider taking in response to stalking, harassment, or threats:

1. **Contact law enforcement:** If you are being physically followed, threatened, or harassed, contact your local law enforcement authorities immediately. They can help investigate the situation and take necessary actions to ensure your safety.

2. **Document incidents:** Keep detailed records of all incidents, including dates, times, locations, and descriptions of what occurred. This documentation can be crucial if legal action is needed.

3. **Seek support:** Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or a support helpline for emotional support and guidance. It's essential to have a strong support system during challenging times.

4. **Consider legal options:** If you feel that your safety is at risk, consider seeking legal advice on how to protect yourself, such as obtaining a restraining order.

5. **Take steps to enhance security:** Ensure that your home, online accounts, and personal information are secure. Consider installing security measures, such as cameras or alarms, if needed.

Your safety is of the utmost importance, and it's vital to take steps to protect yourself from any form of intimidation or danger. Don't hesitate to seek help, reach out to authorities, or explore legal options if you feel threatened or unsafe. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please let me know. Your well-being is important.

We can't have any privacys but with their messy selves can. Bro if k____ wasn't illegal I would of done it already they're so annoying dude I just have thoughts of cutting their heads off and eating it.

I want to emphasize the importance of seeking help and support if you are experiencing intense emotions or thoughts of violence. It's natural to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or angered by the challenges you are facing, but it is essential to address these feelings in a healthy and safe manner.

If you are experiencing thoughts of harm or violence, please consider the following steps:

1. **Seek professional support:** Reach out to a mental health professional, counselor, or therapist who can provide you with tools and resources to cope with your emotions and develop positive coping strategies.

2. **Speak to a trusted individual:** Share your feelings and concerns with someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or mentor. Talking about your emotions can help lighten the burden and provide perspective.

3. **Practice self-care:** Engage in activities that promote relaxation, self-care, and well-being, such as meditation, exercise, or hobbies that bring you joy.

4. **Avoid isolation:** Stay connected with others and maintain social support networks. You are not alone, and reaching out for support can make a significant difference.

5. **Emergency help:** If you are in immediate distress or experiencing intense emotional turmoil, contact a crisis hotline, emergency services, or a mental health professional for immediate support.

Remember that it is entirely normal to have thoughts and emotions in response to challenging situations, but it is crucial to address these feelings in a safe and healthy manner. Your well-being is important, and there are resources available to help you navigate these difficult times. If you need further assistance or guidance, please don't hesitate to ask. Your safety and mental health are top priorities.

They've been doing this for YEARS though. Liek we went to everyone we can and they are still doing this crap. They need to freaking pass away and go burn in hell with their father

I understand that you have been dealing with these distressing situations for an extended period, and it can be incredibly frustrating when efforts to seek help or intervention do not yield the desired results. Coping with prolonged harassment, stalking, or invasion of privacy can take a significant toll on your mental and emotional well-being.

While it's natural to feel anger, frustration, and a desire for justice in the face of ongoing threats or harm, it's crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being. Here are some additional steps you can consider in managing the stress and seeking support:

1. **Focus on self-care:** Prioritize self-care practices, such as regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring you comfort and relaxation.

2. **Determine your support system:** Identify trusted individuals or support networks who can provide emotional support, guidance, and understanding during difficult times.

3. **Explore legal options:** Consult with legal professionals or advocacy organizations that specialize in dealing with harassment, stalking, or privacy invasion. They can offer guidance on legal steps you can take to protect yourself.

4. **Consider counseling or therapy:** Speaking with a mental health professional can help you process your emotions, develop coping strategies, and manage the stress and trauma resulting from these experiences.

5. **Report the incidents:** Keep detailed records of incidents and continue to report any new threats or harassment to law enforcement authorities. Persistence in documenting these incidents can be crucial if legal action is required.

It's understandable that you're feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the ongoing situation. Remember that your well-being is paramount, and seeking support is crucial during these challenging times. If you need further guidance or assistance, please reach out to trusted individuals or professionals who can help you navigate these difficulties. You're not alone, and there are resources available to support you.

I'm realy sory for speaking in that manner. You have no idea what we've been through. They spread their literal feces on our freaking cars.

I am truly sorry to hear about the extreme and distressing experiences you have been going through. Dealing with such harrowing and invasive acts, like having feces spread on your cars, is a violation of your privacy, safety, and well-being. It's completely understandable that you are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and angry about these traumatic events.

In situations as severe as the ones you have described, it's crucial to prioritize your safety, security, and mental health. Here are some important actions you may consider taking:

1. **Immediate safety:** If you encounter any immediate threats or dangerous situations, do not hesitate to contact the authorities for emergency assistance.

2. **Evidence collection:** Document and preserve any evidence of the incidents, such as photographs, videos, or physical evidence. This documentation can be valuable if you decide to pursue legal action.

3. **Report to law enforcement:** Report the incidents to the police or relevant authorities to ensure they are aware of the situation and can take appropriate action.

4. **Seek support:** Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals for emotional support and guidance during this challenging time.

5. **Explore legal options:** Consider consulting with legal professionals or advocacy organizations that specialize in handling harassment, vandalism, or property damage cases.

Your safety and well-being are paramount, and it's crucial to address these distressing situations with care and support. I want to assure you that you are not alone, and there are resources and individuals who can assist you in navigating these difficult circumstances. Please take care of yourself and reach out for help whenever you need it.

They will be caught though. I can't wait till that day comes. I hope they get tortured. >:)

I understand your feelings of anger and frustration towards those who have caused harm and distress to you and your loved ones. It's natural to seek justice and accountability for such egregious acts, but it's important to remember that promoting safety, peace, and well-being should always be the priority.

While thoughts of revenge or retaliation may arise in moments of distress, it's crucial to focus on constructive and lawful ways to address the situation. Seeking justice through legal channels and cooperating with law enforcement can help ensure that those responsible are held accountable within the boundaries of the law.

Remember that harboring feelings of anger and revenge can have a negative impact on your own well-being and mental health. It's essential to take care of yourself, seek support, and focus on healing and moving forward from these challenging experiences.

If you ever need to talk, seek guidance, or explore ways to navigate through these difficult emotions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your well-being is important, and there are resources available to support you through this challenging time. Take care of yourself, and focus on finding positive ways to address these challenges.

Legit if the judge would let me decide their punishment, I would say cook them alive and feed them to the animals. :)

I understand that you are experiencing intense emotions and feelings of anger and vengeance towards those who have caused harm to you and your loved ones. It's important to acknowledge these emotions and the severity of the situation, but it's also crucial to prioritize seeking justice through legal and lawful means.

While thoughts of extreme retaliation may surface in moments of intense distress, it's important to consider the consequences and implications of such actions. Advocating for justice and accountability through legal channels, with the support of law enforcement and the judicial system, is a more effective and appropriate way to address the harm caused.

Seeking support from mental health professionals, counselors, or trusted individuals can also be beneficial in processing these challenging emotions and finding healthier ways to cope with intense feelings of anger and resentment.

Remember that prioritizing your well-being and finding constructive ways to address these difficult circumstances is essential. If you need assistance, guidance, or someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your mental health and safety are important, and there are resources available to support you during this challenging time.

That's probably the most cruelest thing ever. I don't care they've been doing this bullcrap for a long time and we've been telling them to stop and they didn't.

I hear your deep frustration and anger over the prolonged harassment and harm caused by those individuals. It's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and desiring justice in response to such malicious and relentless behavior.

When faced with ongoing harassment or harm, it can be emotionally and mentally taxing to continually endure such distressing situations. It's important to prioritize your well-being and find healthy ways to cope with these intense emotions.

While seeking justice for the harm endured is valid, it's crucial to address these feelings in a manner that aligns with the values of justice and legality. Utilizing legal channels, involving authorities, and seeking support from professionals can help navigate these challenging circumstances in a way that upholds the principles of justice and safety.

If you are open to it, consider reaching out to mental health professionals or support resources to help process these challenging emotions and explore healthier coping strategies. Your well-being is important, and there are resources available to support you through these difficult times. Remember that reaching out for help is a sign of strength and proactive self-care.

They went inside our finances. They stole over $10,000 from us. My dad had a schedule to see a doctor yesterday and they messed it up.

I am deeply sorry to hear about the extent of harm and distress that you and your family have endured as a result of these invasive and malicious actions. Dealing with financial theft, manipulation of personal schedules, and ongoing harassment can have serious consequences on your well-being, safety, and sense of security.

In situations involving significant financial loss and interference with important aspects of life, it can be incredibly challenging to cope with the aftermath and the impact on daily routines and livelihood. Here are some steps you may consider taking in response to these distressing events:

1. **Financial security:** Contact your financial institution immediately to report the theft and fraudulent activities. Work with them to secure your accounts, investigate the unauthorized transactions, and possibly recover the stolen funds.

2. **Legal recourse:** Consider seeking assistance from legal professionals, law enforcement, or relevant authorities to address the financial theft and interference with important appointments. They can guide you on the appropriate steps to take legal action and protect your rights.

3. **Document incidents:** Keep detailed records of the financial theft, disruption of medical appointments, and any other incidents related to the harassment. This documentation can be valuable for investigations and legal proceedings.

4. **Seek support:** Reach out to trusted individuals, support networks, or mental health professionals to process the emotional toll of these distressing events and receive guidance on coping strategies.

I understand the gravity of the situation you are facing, and it's essential to prioritize your safety, well-being, and taking steps to address the financial theft and disruptions caused by these individuals. Your resilience in navigating these adversities is commendable, and there are resources and support available to assist you in seeking justice and moving forward from these challenges. If you need further guidance or assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thanks for the support. I guess we gotta keep on going until they get caught. I'm not gonna stop until they get caught. :)

You are very welcome, and I commend your determination and strength in standing up against the injustices you have faced. Your resilience and persistence in seeking justice speak volumes about your character and determination to address the wrongdoing that has affected you and your family.

While the road ahead may present challenges, staying committed to seeking resolution and holding those responsible accountable is a powerful step towards reclaiming your sense of security and peace of mind.

Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and there are resources, support systems, and legal avenues available to assist you in pursuing justice and addressing the harm you have endured.

If you ever need additional guidance, support, or someone to talk to along the way, please do not hesitate to reach out. Your resolve and determination to seek justice are commendable, and I wish you strength and support as you continue on this path towards resolution. Take care and continue to prioritize your well-being throughout this process.