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the background of a story, including where it happens and what is happening

story setting: when, where, what is happening.

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the person who is telling the story; may be a character inside the story or an outside observer

narrator: character or outside observer telling story.

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an account of events or experiences that tell a story; may be fiction or nonfiction

events telling a fictional or true tale.

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Beginning of the story; Introduce the narrator, characters, setting, and establish POV

Intro: narrator, characters, setting, POV established.

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the narrator is a character in the story and is telling the story as he or she saw it happen, using pronouns such as “I” and “we.”

Character in story narrating using first-person pronouns.

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the narrator is telling the story as an outsider, using pronouns such as “he”, “she”, and “they” (third person)

Narrator as outsider uses third-person pronouns.