match the words with their antonyms

1. harmonious _j?_
2. viable _h_
3. slack _a_
4. scintillating _g?_
5. hideous _b_
6. brittle _d_
7. irascible _e?_
8. prevalent _f_
9. deceptive _c_
10. flippant _i_

a. tight
b. gorgeous
c. honest
d. sturdy
e. good-natured
f. rare
g. clashing
h. impractical
i. respectful
j. boring


All are right except 1 and 4.

so i just switch 1 and 4 around?


The opposite of harmonious music would be clashing music.

A scintillating person is fascinating, and definitely not boring.

To match the words with their antonyms, you can use a combination of your vocabulary knowledge and the process of elimination. Here are the correct matches:

1. harmonious - j (boring)
2. viable - h (impractical)
3. slack - a (tight)
4. scintillating - g (clashing)
5. hideous - b (gorgeous)
6. brittle - d (sturdy)
7. irascible - e (good-natured)
8. prevalent - f (rare)
9. deceptive - c (honest)
10. flippant - i (respectful)

Understanding the meanings of the words and their antonyms will help you make the correct matches. If you are unsure about the meaning of any of the words, you can use a dictionary or an online resource to look them up. This way, you can expand your own vocabulary and continue to improve your language skills.