david gained 14 pounds over the winter. he went on a diet and lost 26 pounds. then he regainged 5 pounds and weighed 179 pounds. how much did he weigh orignally ?

Go backwards:

"regainged 5 pounds and weighed 179 pounds."
so he weiged 179-5=174 pounds.

"and lost 26 pounds" to weigh 174 pounds,
so he used to weigh 174+26=200 pounds

"david gained 14 pounds over the winter." so he weighed 200-14=186 pounds.

Check 186+14-26+5=179 pounds

If you are doing algebra, then
Solve for X.

How did you get 734?




I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are trying to say. Can you please provide more context or information?

starlight tree farms sells douglas firs and noble firs, one december they sold 139 more douglas firs than noble firs. the total number of trees sold was 377. which equation could be used to solve for n, the number of noble firs sold?

Let's say that the number of noble firs sold is "n".

According to the question, the number of Douglas firs sold is 139 more than the number of noble firs sold. Thus, the number of Douglas firs sold can be expressed as "n + 139".

Also, the total number of trees sold is 377, which means that the sum of the number of noble firs sold and the number of Douglas firs sold is equal to 377.

We can write this as an equation:

n + (n + 139) = 377

Simplifying it:

2n + 139 = 377

Subtracting 139 from both sides:

2n = 238

Dividing by 2:

n = 119

Therefore, the number of noble firs sold is 119.

So the equation that could be used to solve for n is:

2n + 139 = 377

which inequality does the graph represent?

A number line shows integers from negative 5 to 5. A small open circle is located at 2 and the number line is darkened and bold from that point to the left.

The graph you describe is a number line that is darkened and bold from the point 2 to the left, with a small open circle at 2, and it shows integers from -5 to 5.

This type of graph is typically used to represent an inequality where the values on the number line to the left of the point are included in the solution, but the value at the point itself is not included.

The inequality represented by this graph is:

x ≤ 2

This means that x can be any number less than or equal to 2, but it cannot be 2.

which inequality does the graph represent?

A number line shows integers from negative 5 to 5. A solid dot is located at negative 2 and the line is darkened and bold from that point to the right."

The graph you describe is a number line that is darkened and bold from the point -2 to the right, with a solid dot at -2, and it shows integers from -5 to 5.

This type of graph is typically used to represent an inequality where the values on the number line to the right of the point are included in the solution, but the value at the point itself is also included because of the solid dot.

The inequality represented by this graph is:

x ≥ -2

This means that x can be any number greater than or equal to -2, and -2 itself is also included as a possible solution.

would it be 734?