Here's an algebra question I need help on. I just need someone to explain how to get don't have to solve it for me. I just don't know how to get the answer!

Greta has a vegetable garden. She sells her extra produce at the local Farmer's Market. One Saturday, she sold $200 worth of vegetables - peppers, squash, tomatoes, and corn.

- Greta received the same amount of money for the peppers as she did for the squash.

- The tomatoes brought in twice as much as the peppers and squash TOGETHER.

- The money she made from the corn was $8 more than she made from the other three kinds of vegetables COMBINED.

Question; how much did Greta receive for EACH KIND OF VEGETABLE?

Extra; What percent of the total sales did each kind of vegetable represent?


set up variables for everything---> use only one variable (that's all that's needed!)

For example...

use a variable, lets say "x"

x--> money received for something

squash--> money received---> x
peppers-> " " ---> x

The money received is the same for both, hence they both can be represented by x.

The tomatoes brought in twice as much as the peppers and squash TOGETHER.

Translating the words into algebraic terms....

for tomatoes---> 2(x+x) = 2(2x) = 4x

The money she made from the corn was $8 more than she made from the other three kinds of vegetables COMBINED.


corn---> 8 + x + x + 4x
= 6x + 8

she sold $200 worth of vegetables - peppers, squash, tomatoes, and corn.


x + x + 4x + 6x + 8 = 200

solve for x---->then you have the money received from the squash or the peppers

4x----> money received due to tomatoes

6x + 8----> money received for corn

Extra; What percent of the total sales did each kind of vegetable represent?


one you get the money received due to each of the items then.....

percent of total sales = money received due to a veggie / 200

P.S. 200 is the denominator and represent that total money received

Hope this helped!!!!!



Huh? You don't know da person and you're writing: <33333 LOL.

To solve this algebra problem, we need to set up a system of equations based on the given information. Let's start by assigning variables to the unknowns.

Let's say Greta received x dollars for both peppers and squash. So, the equation for the first statement would be:

x = x

Since she received the same amount for peppers and squash, the value of x would be the same.

Now, let's move on to the second statement. It says that the tomatoes brought in twice as much as the peppers and squash combined. We can represent this as:

2(x + x) = tomatoes' earnings

Simplifying the equation gives us:

2(2x) = tomatoes' earnings
4x = tomatoes' earnings

Now, let's consider the third statement. It states that the money Greta earned from the corn was $8 more than she made from the other three vegetables combined. We can express this as:

(corn's earnings) = (total earnings from peppers, squash, and tomatoes) + $8

Since we don't know the value of the total earnings from peppers, squash, and tomatoes, we will write it as 2x (from the previous equation):

(corn's earnings) = 2x + 8

At this point, we have three equations:

x = x (from the first statement)
4x = tomatoes' earnings (from the second statement)
(corn's earnings) = 2x + 8 (from the third statement)

Now, you can solve this system of equations simultaneously to find the value of x and the value for each vegetable.