. Brad took 5 kicks and made 4 goals:

. Sydney will take 10 shots and she
wants to make an equivalent fraction of the goals. How many goals must she
5 10

To find out how many goals Sydney must make, we can set up a proportion. Since Brad made 4 goals out of 5 kicks, we can represent this as a fraction: 4/5.

We know that Sydney wants to make an equivalent fraction of goals when she takes 10 shots. So, we can set up the proportion:

4/5 = x/10

To find the value of x (the number of goals Sydney must make), we can cross-multiply:

5 * x = 4 * 10

5x = 40

Dividing both sides by 5, we get:

x = 8

Therefore, Sydney must make 8 goals.

without so many spaces

Brad took 5 kicks and made 4 goals, represented as the fraction 4/5.

Sydney wants to take 10 shots and make an equivalent fraction of goals.

We can set up the proportion:

4/5 = x/10

To solve for x (the number of goals Sydney must make), we can cross-multiply:

5 * x = 4 * 10

This simplifies to:

5x = 40

Dividing both sides by 5, we find:

x = 8

Therefore, Sydney must make 8 goals.

dont make them wide away from each other

Brad took 5 kicks and made 4 goals. Sydney wants to take 10 shots and make an equivalent fraction of goals. We can set up the proportion:

4/5 = x/10

To solve for x (the number of goals Sydney must make), we can cross-multiply:

5x = 40

Dividing both sides by 5, we find:

x = 8

Therefore, Sydney must make 8 goals.

Can you make the sentences shorter

Brad made 4 goals out of 5 kicks. Sydney wants to make an equivalent fraction of goals with 10 shots. We can set up the proportion:

4/5 = x/10

Cross-multiplying, we get:

5x = 40

Dividing by 5, we find:

x = 8

Therefore, Sydney must make 8 goals.


Brad made 4 goals out of 5 kicks. Sydney wants to make an equivalent fraction of goals with 10 shots. Using the proportion 4/5 = x/10, we find that Sydney must make 8 goals.


You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.