which is the correct subject prounoun for -------eres estudiante.

Tu' is the subject pronoun.

The correct subject pronoun for "eres estudiante" depends on the person being referred to.

To determine the correct subject pronoun, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb: In this case, the verb is "eres," which is the second person singular form of the verb "ser" (to be) in Spanish.

2. Determine the subject: "Estudiante" means "student" in Spanish.

3. Match the subject pronoun: In Spanish, the subject pronoun is typically used before the verb.

For "eres estudiante," the subject pronoun would be "tú" if you are referring to someone informally. If you are referring to someone formally or being respectful, you would use the subject pronoun "usted."

Therefore, the correct subject pronoun for "eres estudiante" would be "tú" or "usted," depending on the context.