21. How is Western Europe able to provide food for its dense population?

a. The region imports most of its food supply
b. Large, densely populated agricultural regions harvest crops year-round
c. Sophisticated farming methods are used to produce high crop yields
d. Most of the region's labor force works in agriculture


Only southern Europe has a climate suitable for year-round crops.

I suspect that c. is the answer -- but please check your book.

Yes, you are correct. Option B, "Large, densely populated agricultural regions harvest crops year-round," is the correct answer. Western Europe is known for its highly productive agricultural regions that can support a dense population. These regions utilize advanced farming techniques, such as crop rotation, intensive cultivation, and greenhouse farming, to maximize crop yields and produce food throughout the year. This allows Western Europe to be relatively self-sufficient in terms of food production.

Yes, option B is correct. Western Europe is able to provide food for its dense population because it has large, densely populated agricultural regions that are able to harvest crops year-round. This has a significant impact on the region's ability to produce enough food to meet the demands of its population.

To arrive at this answer, one can consider the geographical and agricultural characteristics of Western Europe. The region has favorable conditions for agriculture, including mild climates, fertile soils, and access to water resources. These factors allow for longer growing seasons and increased agricultural productivity.

Additionally, Western Europe has invested in modern agricultural practices and technologies, such as advanced irrigation systems, precision farming techniques, and mechanization. These methods enhance productivity and efficiency, helping to maximize crop yields on the available land.

While importing food is also common in Western Europe, particularly for certain commodities or specific seasons, the region's ability to rely on its own agricultural resources plays a crucial role in meeting the food needs of its population. Therefore, option B is the most accurate choice.