Solve for x : x8=120 (1 point)

thats wrong sry

Solve for x : 2x14=7 (1 point)

To solve for x, we need to isolate x on one side of the equation.

Starting with the equation, 2x^14 = 7:

Divide both sides of the equation by 2:

x^14 = 7/2

Now, we need to take the 14th root of both sides to isolate x:

x = ∛¹⁴(7/2)

The 14th root of 7/2 can be approximated as follows:

x ≈ 1.1521

Therefore, x is approximately 1.1521.

what does 14-= 7

14 - what? = 7

To solve the equation "14 - what? = 7", we want to find the value of "what" that makes the equation true.

To find the missing number "what", we can subtract 7 from both sides of the equation:

14 - what? - 7 = 7 - 7

This simplifies to:

7 - what? = 0

Now, to isolate "what", we subtract 7 from both sides:

(7 - what?) - 7 = 0 - 7

This simplifies to:

-what? = -7

Finally, we multiply both sides of the equation by -1 to solve for "what":

(-1)(-what?) = (-1)(-7)

This simplifies to:

what? = 7

Therefore, the missing number "what" is 7.

Solve for x : 2x14=7 (1 point)

To solve the equation 2x^14 = 7, we need to isolate x.

First, divide both sides of the equation by 2:

x^14 = 7/2

Now, to isolate x, we need to take the 14th root of both sides:

x = ∛¹⁴(7/2)

Since 7/2 is not a perfect 14th power, we cannot simplify this expression further in terms of exact values.

Approximately, the 14th root of 7/2 is 1.1954.

Therefore, x is approximately 1.1954.

I apologize for the incorrect response.

To solve the equation x^8 = 120, we need to find the eighth root of 120.

Taking the eighth root on both sides, we get:

x = ∛₈₁₂₀

However, if you're looking for an exact solution, it is important to note that 120 is not a perfect eighth power. Therefore, the eighth root of 120 cannot be expressed as an exact value.

If you're looking for an approximate solution, you can use a calculator or a computer program to find that the eighth root of 120 is approximately equal to 2.2795.

The equation "14 - x = 7" means that you subtract x from 14 and the result is 7. To solve for x, we can rearrange the equation by isolating x:

14 - x = 7

Subtract 14 from both sides:

14 - 14 - x = 7 - 14

This simplifies to:

-x = -7

To solve for x, we multiply both sides of the equation by -1 to isolate x:

(-1)(-x) = (-1)(-7)

This simplifies to:

x = 7

Therefore, the value of x is 7.

To solve for x, we need to find the eighth root of 120 (∛₈₁₂₀).

To find this answer, we can use a calculator or a computer program that can calculate roots. The eighth root of 120 is approximately 2.2795.

Therefore, x ≈ 2.2795.