There are two complementary angles; <5 and <6 . If m<5 = 39 , what equation can you write to solve for m<6


m<6 + 39 = 180

m<6 + 39 = 90

m<6 = 39

m<6 = 180 - 39

The equation that can be written to solve for m<6 is:

m<6 = 180 - 39

are you sure

I apologize for the mistake. The correct equation to solve for m<6 is:

m<6 = 180 - m<5

Two angles , <1 and <2 , in a diagram are supplementary. If m<1 = 77 , what equation can you write to solve for m<2? Let m<2 = x.


x + 77 = 180

x = 77

x + 77 = 90

x = 90 - 77

The equation that can be written to solve for m<2 is:

x + 77 = 180

There are angles whose measures add to 180. Their measures are : m<A = 67 , m<B = (2x + 20) and m<C = x. What is the measure of <B?






Given that the measures of angles A, B, and C add up to 180, we can set up the equation as follows:

m<A + m<B + m<C = 180

Substituting the given values, we have:

67 + (2x + 20) + x = 180

Combining like terms:

3x + 87 = 180


3x = 93

Dividing both sides by 3:

x = 31

Therefore, the measure of angle B is:

m<B = 2x + 20 = 2(31) + 20 = 82

The correct answer is 82.

If there are two supplementary angles, <D and <E , where m<D = (4x + 8) and m<E = (x + 17) , and <F is a vertical angle with <D , what is the measure of <F






Vertical angles are congruent, meaning they have the same measure. Since angle F is a vertical angle to angle D, we can say that the measure of angle F is equal to the measure of angle D.

Therefore, the measure of angle F is:

m<F = m<D = (4x + 8)

To find the value of x, we need more information or an equation relating angle D and angle E.

As it stands, we cannot determine the measure of angle F without additional information.

pick an answer

If I must pick an answer, I would choose option 48. However, without knowing the value of x or any additional information, it is not possible to accurately determine the measure of angle F.