32. Which nations of Western Europe border the Mediterranean Sea?

33. List the nations that share a border with Switzerland.



For number 32 I got Spain, France, Italy, and Greece

For number 33 I got Germany, France, Italy, and Austria

---Are these correct?

But I'm stuck on number 36. I don't have a map to help me with this one



About the second one, I got it

It's Germany, France, Italy, and Austria.


--And I've got one more question.

36. Which country lies closest to the North African coast?


MC do you have a map of the part of Europe along the Mediterranean? Look at the countries west of Italy.

The look on the map for Switzerland and you can see which countries border it.

Remember the island countries.

You left one country out of the countries that border Switzerland.

Check these sites for the name of that country plus the answers to your other questions.





Wow..that's a lot of links..but thanks guys!


Wait...I don't see a link that helps me with number 36


This link shows it.


Once, I took a short (1/2 hour?) ferry ride from this European country to North Africa.

Where does the North African coast start?! I don't even know that, which is why I can't find the answer and I've been stuck on this problem forever! >.<


Check this map.


You should have learned the names and locations of the continents along about 4th grade.

Actually I learned it in second grade...thanks


Oh and I'm following you guys on twitter and facebook =D