Three angles have measures that add up to 180 . They have the following angle measures: m< ABC = (x - 6) , m<CBD = (4x - 14) , and m<DBE = 5x . What is the equation to solve for x?


10x + 20 = 180

10x - 20 = 180

x - 20 = 180

9x - 20 = 180

The correct equation to solve for x is:

x - 6 + 4x - 14 + 5x = 180

Combining like terms:

10x - 20 = 180

Are you sure

I apologize for the confusion. You are correct, the equation should be:

x - 6 + 4x - 14 + 5x = 180

Combining like terms:

10x - 20 = 180

Two supplementary angles have the following measures: m<ABC = 135 and m<CBD = 9x . What is the equation to solve for x?


9x + 135 = 90

9x + 135 = 180

9x - 135 = 180

9x = 180

The correct equation to solve for x is:

9x + 135 = 180

you sure

Apologies for the mistake. The correct equation to solve for x is:

135 + 9x = 180

Two angles are supplementary and have measures m<QRS = (x + 40) and m<SRT = x. What is the measure of <QRS






The measure of angle QRS can be found by setting the sum of the two angles equal to 180, since supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees.

So, we have:

(x + 40) + x = 180

2x + 40 = 180

Now, solving for x:

2x = 180 - 40

2x = 140

x = 70

Therefore, the measure of angle QRS is:

m<QRS = x + 40 = 70 + 40 = 110

Therefore, the correct answer is 110.

Three angles measured add up to 180 and have the following measures: m<ACB = (x + 15) m<BCD = (x + 48) , and m<DCE = 13 . What is the measure of <BCD?






To find the measure of angle BCD, we can set up an equation using the fact that the sum of the three angles is equal to 180.

m<ACB + m<BCD + m<DCE = 180

(x + 15) + (x + 48) + 13 = 180

2x + 76 = 180

Now, let's solve for x:

2x = 180 - 76

2x = 104

x = 52

Now we can find the measure of angle BCD:

m<BCD = x + 48 = 52 + 48 = 100

Therefore, the measure of angle BCD is 100.