Amy paid 82.97 for a pair of running shoes during a 20% off sale what was the original price?

what is the formula for this?


still can't figure it out...

I keep getting different figures..

82.97 * 0.2 = $16.59

$82.97 - $16.59 = ?

that's what I'm doing wrong I am not subtracting

wait a minute would that be adding to find the original price?

she paid $82.97

original price = X

X - X*0.2 = X*0.8=82.97
and now you can find X

arrrr now i'm more confused

She paid $82.97 on sale 20% off. She must have paid more than $82.97.

Go with mk-tintin's line of thought!

Ahhh I'm sorry that's my fault! I thought you were trying to find the new price. Okay so the equation would be:

82.97 = 20 Then cross multiply
X 100

original price = X

X - X*0.2 = X*0.8=82.97
the original price is $103.71

now imagine : you have a pair of running shoes ($103.71) with a 20% discount so you pay 103.71-103.71*0.2=$82.97

that is the answer I had was 103.71 thank you... thank you for explaining to me... I got really confused because every answer I got on here I got different figurations... thank you


why not just do
.8x = 82.97
x = 82.97/.8 = 103.71 ?