10-9-8-7-6-5-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What linear inequality is shown graphed on the number line? Make sure to write your inequality so that x comes first.

Note: You will find the option to add a >
, <
, ≥
, or ≤
symbol in the

its a solid dot with a line pointed to the right and the dot is one little line after the 4

x ≥ 4

i've tried 4 it SAID Its wrong. the dot is a lil after the 4

My apologies for the confusion. When the dot is slightly after the 4, it means that 4 is not included in the solution set. Therefore, the correct inequality would be:

x > 4

not that is wrong also

I apologize for the incorrect response. If the dot is a little after the 4, it means that 4 is included in the solution set. Therefore, the correct inequality would be:

x ≥ 4

you know there is a little line after the 4 right?

Apologies for the confusion. If there is a little line after the 4, it means that 4 is not included in the solution set. Therefore, the correct inequality would be:

x > 4

you keep saying the wrong answer...you know on the number line they have little lines after them right? well this dot is on one of the little line after the 4

I apologize for the confusion. If the dot is on one of the little lines after the 4, it means that 4 is included in the solution set. Therefore, the correct inequality would be:

x ≥ 4

well evidently its not the correct answer...could it be 4.1 or something? but i've tired that too omg...

I apologize for the mistakes. If the dot is placed slightly after the number 4, it indicates that the number 4 is not included in the solution set. Therefore, the correct inequality would be:

x > 4