Need to know the formula for find the perimeter. Need to solve this problem. A square metal box has a perimeter of 8.32". If the sides are .04" thick what is the perimeter of the inside?




To find the perimeter of the inside of the square metal box, we first need to determine the length of each side of the inside square.

Given that the box has a perimeter of 8.32" and the sides are 0.04" thick, we can calculate the total thickness of all four sides using the formula:

Total thickness = 4 * side thickness

Total thickness = 4 * 0.04" = 0.16"

To find the length of each side of the inside square, subtract the total thickness from the total perimeter of the outside square:

Inside side length = Outside perimeter - Total thickness

Inside side length = 8.32" - 0.16" = 8.16"

Finally, the perimeter of the inside square can be calculated by multiplying the inside side length by 4 (since all sides of a square are equal in length):

Perimeter of the inside square = 4 * Inside side length

Perimeter of the inside square = 4 * 8.16" = 32.64"

Therefore, the perimeter of the inside of the square metal box is 32.64".