"We seek no conquest. All we ask is to be let alone."

- Jefferson Davis

According to this quote, which statement best summarizes the South’s agenda?

to continue their way of life unchanged

to accept changes to the plantation system

to change the South’s borders

to expand slavery into the territories

to continue their way of life unchanged

How could the North’s factories be considered an advantage?

The factories could sell surplus goods to Europe for money.

The factories could be converted to making supplies for the army.

The factories could get cotton from the West instead.

The factories could use newly freed African Americans as a cheap source of labor.

The factories could be converted to making supplies for the army.

Why was Fort Sumter important?

It was full of Union weapons.

It marked the beginning of the war.

It was located in a border state.

It marked a willingness to compromise

Fort Sumter is important because it marked the beginning of the war.

How did the South react to the election of Abraham Lincoln? Select all that apply.

The South believed that the federal government was set against the South.

The South believed they could renew a series of compromises.

The South believed that they would be left to pursue their own ways of life.

The South believed that secession was unavoidable.

The South believed that the federal government was set against the South.

The South believed that they would be left to pursue their own ways of life.
The South believed that secession was unavoidable.

Only 2 answers are allowed.

In that case, the two correct answers would be:

- The South believed that they would be left to pursue their own ways of life.
- The South believed that secession was unavoidable.

What arguments did Abraham Lincoln use against the secession of the Southern states?

Secession would need to be approved through popular sovereignty.

The government was a union of people, not states.

The Southern states lacked the power to secede under the Constitution.

Slavery was a system that would eventually bankrupt the Southern states.
Only 2 answers are allowed.

The two arguments that Abraham Lincoln used against the secession of the Southern states were:

- The government was a union of people, not states.
- The Southern states lacked the power to secede under the Constitution.