What is the correct name for NO2-?

The correct name for NO2- is nitrite.

The correct name for NO2- is nitrite. To determine the correct name, it is helpful to understand the nomenclature rules for naming anions.

In this case, the anion NO2- is called "nitrite." The name "nitrite" is formed by replacing the ending of the element name (nitrogen) with "-ite." The "-ite" suffix is used for anions that have one less oxygen atom than the corresponding "-ate" anion.

For example, the nitrate ion (NO3-) has one more oxygen atom than nitrite (NO2-). Similarly, sulfate (SO4^2-) has one more oxygen atom than sulfite (SO3^2-). It is important to note that the charge of the anion (-) is shown as a superscript.

So, to name the NO2- anion, we follow the nomenclature rule and name it nitrite.

Im supposing there is a minus next to the 2 if there is its Nitrite ion

If there is no minus then it is Nitrogen dioxide.

NO2, the compound is nitrogen dioxide.

NO2^-, is the nitrite ion.