what is the meaning of incomprehensible

and what is the context

thank you


The word "incomprehensible" refers to something that is difficult or impossible to understand or grasp. It describes a situation or concept that is too complex, confusing, or unclear for someone to comprehend fully.

To understand the meaning of "incomprehensible" in a specific context, you need to consider the surrounding words, phrases, or sentences. The context provides additional information that helps decipher the intended meaning.

For example, if someone says, "The professor's lecture on quantum physics was incomprehensible," the context is the lecture on quantum physics. In this case, it suggests that the material taught was too intricate or overwhelming for the listener to understand fully.

Similarly, if someone says, "The novel's plot was incomprehensible," the context is the plot of the novel. It implies that the storyline was confusing or convoluted, making it difficult to follow or comprehend.

In summary, the meaning of "incomprehensible" is something that cannot be easily understood, and to interpret it correctly, you need to consider the words or sentences surrounding it to determine the specific context.