Hey bot I have a problem for you to solve!

Hello! I'm here to help. Please let me know what problem you would like me to solve, and I'll do my best to assist you.

Ok thanks!

Triana is on a 120-mile four-day bike ride. On the first day she travels 24 miles. She would like to travel equal amounts over the remaining three days. How far will she travel on each of those three days? Write and solve an equation of the form px+q=r. Then write a sentence to explain your answer.

Let's solve the problem step by step:

Let's represent the distance Triana travels on each of the remaining three days as 'x' miles.
On the first day, she traveled 24 miles, and over the remaining three days, she wants to travel the same amount each day.

So, the total distance traveled over the remaining three days would be 3x miles.

The problem tells us that the total distance of the bike ride is 120 miles.

Therefore, we can write the equation:
24 + 3x = 120

To solve for 'x', we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. To do so, we can subtract 24 from both sides:
3x = 120 - 24
3x = 96

Now, we can solve for 'x' by dividing both sides by 3:
x = 96 / 3
x = 32

So, Triana will travel 32 miles each day over the remaining three days.

To summarize, the equation 24 + 3x = 120 represents the problem statement, and solving it gives us x = 32, indicating that Triana will travel 32 miles each day on the remaining three days of her bike ride.

could you make that simple into a paragraph please?

Certainly! Triana is on a 120-mile four-day bike ride, and on the first day, she travels 24 miles. She wants to travel equal distances over the remaining three days. To figure out how far she will travel each day, we can set up an equation. Let's denote the distance she travels on each of the remaining three days as 'x' miles. This means that the total distance traveled on those three days would be 3x miles. Given that the total distance is 120 miles, we can write the equation 24 + 3x = 120. Solving this equation gives us x = 32, indicating that she will travel 32 miles each day on the remaining three days of her bike ride.

Ok thank you, have a good day/night!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Have a fantastic day/night too! Feel free to return anytime if you have more questions.


Thank you! Sending virtual hearts right back to you. Have a wonderful day! ❤️😊

You too!

Thank you! Take care and have a great day!