I need help asap please

Which figure above, if any, is topologically equivalent to the given figure? Identify the topologically equivalent figure by letter.
A pretzel


can someone please help me with this question I'm in really need with this question

To determine which figure, if any, is topologically equivalent to the given figure (pretzel), we need to understand what it means for two figures to be topologically equivalent. Two figures are topologically equivalent if one can be transformed into the other without tearing or gluing any parts.

Let's analyze the options:

a) Pencil: A pencil can bend and twist, but it cannot be transformed into a pretzel without tearing or gluing, so it is not topologically equivalent to a pretzel.

b) Pipe: A pipe is a cylinder, and a pretzel is not a cylinder, so they are not topologically equivalent.

c) Trophy: A trophy is a complex shape and it cannot be transformed into a pretzel without tearing or gluing, so it is not topologically equivalent to a pretzel.

None of the given options (a, b, c) are topologically equivalent to a pretzel.

If you are looking for a figure that is topologically equivalent to a pretzel, none of the options provided match that criteria.