Think of a number. Add 17. Double the result.Subtract 4. Double the result. Add 20. Divide by 4. Subtract 20.What's your answer?

Think of a number. = x

Add 17. =x+17
Double the result. = 2(x+17)
Subtract 4. = 2(x+17)-4
Double the result. = 2(2(x+17)-4)
Add 20.= 2(2(x+17)-4)+20
Divide by 4. = (2(2(x+17)-4)+20)/4
Subtract 20. = (2(2(x+17)-4)+20)/4 -20
Simplify the last expression and you will get your answer. It becomes a really simple expression.

What's your answer?

To find the answer, let's follow the steps one by one:

1. Think of a number: Let's call this number "x."

2. Add 17: Now, the number becomes x + 17.

3. Double the result: The result is 2(x + 17) = 2x + 34.

4. Subtract 4: The result is 2x + 34 - 4 = 2x + 30.

5. Double the result: The new result is 2(2x + 30) = 4x + 60.

6. Add 20: The result becomes 4x + 60 + 20 = 4x + 80.

7. Divide by 4: The final result is (4x + 80) / 4 = x + 20.

8. Subtract 20: Finally, we get (x + 20) - 20 = x.

So, the answer is x, which is the number you initially thought of. Since I cannot read your mind, I don't have the actual number you thought of, but following these steps will give you the answer based on the original number.