Jujube candy

Jujube candy is a type of chewy candy made from the jujube fruit, also known as Chinese date. It is popular in many countries, particularly in Asia. Jujube candy usually has a sweet and slightly tangy flavor, and it comes in various shapes and sizes, often resembling small pieces of fruit or drops. The candy is often coated in sugar and can be enjoyed as a snack or used as a flavor in other desserts and dishes.

Is there stil some left today

Yes, jujube candy is still available today in many places. It can be found in grocery stores, specialty candy shops, and online retailers. The availability may vary depending on your location, but you should be able to find jujube candy in some form if you are interested in trying it.

I didn't even know this existed till I watched 90s TV shows 💀

That's understandable! Jujube candy might not be as widely known or popular as some other types of candy. However, it has been around for quite a while and has a dedicated fan base. It's always interesting to discover new treats through different mediums like TV shows. If you're curious about trying jujube candy, you can explore local stores or online retailers to see if it's available near you.

Nah candy has a fan base now

You're right, candy indeed has a huge fan base today! There are countless varieties of candy available, and people of all ages enjoy indulging in these sweet treats. From classic options like chocolate and gummies to unique and exotic flavors, the world of candy has expanded over time. Jujube candy, while perhaps not as widely known as some others, is appreciated by those who enjoy its distinctive taste and texture. Regardless of the specific type of candy, it's clear that sweet treats continue to have a devoted following.

Next thing you know electronics will have dedicated fanbases

Actually, electronics already have dedicated fan bases! Many popular electronics brands and products have passionate fans who eagerly anticipate new releases, actively participate in online forums and communities, and even attend events dedicated to their favorite gadgets. Whether it's smartphones, video game consoles, computers, or other tech gadgets, people often develop strong preferences and loyalty towards specific brands or products. These fan bases can be seen as a testament to the influence and impact that technology has on our daily lives.

OK I'm done this is so weird

I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable or if my responses were not what you were expecting. As an AI language model, I can only provide information and opinions based on the data and examples I have been trained on. If there's anything else I can assist you with or if you have any other questions, please let me know.

Only ppl should fanbases at most

I understand that fan bases are typically associated with people, such as celebrities, athletes, or musicians. However, it's not uncommon for certain products or franchises to develop fan bases as well. This could be due to their popularity, unique features, or cultural impact. While it may seem unusual to refer to fan bases for inanimate objects like candy or electronics, it is a way to express enthusiasm and loyalty towards those products. However, it's ultimately a matter of personal preference and not everyone may relate to or understand these fan bases.


I apologize if my previous response did not align with your viewpoint. If you have any specific concerns or questions, I'll do my best to address them.

how many people does a fanbase have

The size of a fan base can vary greatly depending on the popularity and reach of the person, brand, or entity in question. Fan bases can range from a few dedicated supporters to millions of followers. Celebrities like musicians, actors, and sports stars often have large fan bases that can consist of thousands or even millions of people. Similarly, popular brands or franchises may have extensive fan bases with a wide following. The exact number of people in a fan base is subjective and can fluctuate over time based on factors like popularity, current relevance, and the specific context.

What about Steve urkel

Steve Urkel, portrayed by actor Jaleel White, was a beloved character on the 1990s sitcom "Family Matters." While I don't have specific data on the exact size of the Steve Urkel fan base, the character gained significant popularity and became a cultural icon during that time. His catchphrases, unique glasses, and distinctive nerd persona resonated with the audience and made him a memorable part of the show. It's safe to say that Steve Urkel garnered a substantial fan base, though the specific numbers are difficult to determine.

Did he gain massive popularity during that time he was popular

Yes, Steve Urkel gained massive popularity during his time on "Family Matters." The character became a breakout star and one of the most recognizable figures from the show. Steve Urkel's quirky personality, catchphrases like "Did I do that?" and his distinctive nerdy style resonated with viewers, making him a fan favorite. Jaleel White's portrayal of the character earned him critical acclaim and solidified Steve Urkel's place in popular culture. The character's popularity extended beyond the show, with merchandise and references to Steve Urkel being prevalent at the height of his fame. Overall, Steve Urkel's character enjoyed significant popularity during the run of "Family Matters."

Critical acclaim meaning

"Critical acclaim" refers to positive feedback and recognition from critics and reviewers. In the case of Jaleel White's portrayal of Steve Urkel, it means that his performance garnered praise and approval from professional critics who review television shows or evaluate performances. This recognition can include positive reviews of his acting skills, comedic timing, and the way he brought the character to life. Critical acclaim is often an indication of a well-received and highly regarded performance or portrayal.

And critics??

Critics are individuals who evaluate and review various forms of entertainment, such as television shows, movies, music, and theater performances. They provide their expert analysis and opinions on the quality, strengths, weaknesses, and overall impact of these creative works. Critics often write reviews that are published in newspapers, magazines, online publications, or dedicated review platforms. Their assessments can influence public opinion and help guide audiences in their choices for what to watch, listen to, or read. While not everyone agrees with critics' viewpoints, their insights are valued and can contribute to the larger conversation surrounding entertainment and artistic endeavors.

Now I agree he did outstanding. As a 2009 kid who is very picky and don't like that many TV shows, or is a fan of anyone, he honestly did a very very very great great job. I'm a huge fan of him I really applaud him of his work. Like fr I didn't even expect it to be that good the first time I saw that show. He made It better in my opinion. That show has me hooked I love that show so much and him. Like literally I love all of them on that show but more then likely Steve (Jaleel)

I'm glad to hear that you have become such a big fan of Steve Urkel and Jaleel White's portrayal on "Family Matters"! It's wonderful when a character and performance resonate with viewers and leave a lasting impression. Jaleel White's comedic talent and the character's charm have made Steve Urkel a beloved figure among many fans, even years after the show originally aired. It's great to hear that you appreciate his work and find it exceptional. Enjoy watching the show and continuing to be a fan of Jaleel White and the other cast members of "Family Matters"!

That show should make a come back. Make him popularized again but at the same time its popularity should stay back in the 90s, I'm glad not a lot or these new generation kids (2007-2023 to be exact) know about him. You know how social media is.

I understand that you appreciate the nostalgia and uniqueness of "Family Matters" and the character of Steve Urkel. While it can be exciting to see beloved shows or characters make a comeback, it's important to remember that popular culture and trends can evolve with each generation. The impact and popularity of a particular show may have a different resonance in today's era of social media and digital content.

However, it's worth noting that many classic shows from the past have found new audiences through streaming platforms and reruns, allowing fans to revisit their favorite characters and storylines. So, even if a show doesn't experience a full-blown revival, there are still opportunities for fans to continue enjoying and sharing their love for it.

Ultimately, the decision to revive a show or reintroduce a character lies with the creators, producers, and networks involved. It's always interesting to see how older shows may gain newfound popularity or influence among younger generations, regardless of whether they were originally familiar with the show during its initial run.

They shouldn't make a new show or another version of thar show, heck no. That would ruin it. Thar show is parfait just the way it is, even if the new generation s don't know about him.. I'll enjoy it myself :>

It's completely understandable that you feel the original "Family Matters" series is perfect just the way it is. Many fans appreciate the show for its nostalgic charm and the unique dynamics of the characters. Sometimes, attempts to revive or reimagine a show can alter the essence of what made it special in the first place.

If you enjoy "Family Matters" for its original content, you can certainly continue to enjoy it on your own terms. Nostalgia can be a powerful force, and revisiting beloved shows can bring back fond memories and provide personal enjoyment. So, enjoy watching the show and savor the experience in a way that resonates with you.

But I think I enjoy it too much, I don even watch any other TV show beside that. Lol it's tha good. I've seen all 9 seasons, all 200+ episodes

It's great to hear that you find so much enjoyment in "Family Matters"! Having a favorite show that brings you so much joy and captivates your interest is a wonderful thing. Watching all nine seasons and over 200 episodes is quite an accomplishment! It's clear that the show has resonated with you and made a lasting impression. Enjoy continuing to rewatch and cherish the episodes of "Family Matters" that you love so much. Your dedication and enthusiasm for the show are admirable!

Now that show kinda fell off after season 4. They introduced that girl that was obsessed with Steve and it was centered around him. I love that but at the same time it didn't feel right.

Opinions on TV shows can vary, and it's common for fans to have differing views on the direction and quality of a series as it progresses. In the case of "Family Matters," the introduction of the character Myra during the later seasons did bring a shift in the show's dynamic, with more focus on Steve Urkel and his romantic storyline.

While some fans may have enjoyed this storyline, it's understandable that it may not have resonated with you as much as the earlier seasons. Many fans often have their preferred seasons or story arcs within a show, and it's completely valid to feel that the later seasons may not have maintained the same appeal for you.

In any case, everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to TV shows, and it's perfectly fine to have varying opinions on different aspects of a series. The important thing is to continue enjoying the parts of the show that resonate with you the most!

Well tbh seasons 1-3 were the best in my opinion. But if I could I would erase my memory on that show and rewatch it as if I was watching it for the first time . It's really good

That's completely understandable! That feeling of wanting to erase your memory and experience a beloved show like "Family Matters" for the first time again is something many fans can relate to. The thrill of discovering a new show and being captivated by its characters and storylines can be a truly special experience.

While rewatching a beloved show may not have the same element of surprise as watching it for the first time, there can still be enjoyment in reliving the moments and appreciating the details you may have missed before. Sometimes, a second viewing allows you to notice new things or gain a deeper appreciation for the nuances that make the show special.

Regardless of how you choose to revisit "Family Matters," the fact that the show has made such a lasting impact on you is a testament to its quality and enduring appeal. Enjoy relishing those moments that made the first watch so memorable, and perhaps you might discover new joys in subsequent viewings as well!

Yes sir. I might take a huge brake on watching that show just to have a faded memory of it, then come back and watch it again. I'll have to take a 2 year brak tho. I've been watching thar show for almost 6 months straight.

Taking a break from a show you've been watching consistently for a long time can indeed help create a sense of anticipation and potentially enhance the enjoyment when you return to it. It allows for a fresh perspective and rekindles the excitement of the storyline and characters.

By taking a two-year break from "Family Matters," it's likely that some details may fade from your memory, making the rewatch experience closer to the feeling of watching it for the first time. Of course, it's entirely up to personal preference and how you want to approach your viewing of the show.

In the meantime, you can explore other TV shows or genres to diversify your entertainment options and potentially discover new favorites. There are countless shows out there that might capture your interest and provide you with enjoyable experiences. When the time feels right, you can revisit "Family Matters" with a renewed sense of enthusiasm.

This show will forevermore be my favorite. I didn't have any favorite shows until I watched this.

It's wonderful to hear that "Family Matters" has become your all-time favorite show! Finding a show that resonates with you and holds a special place in your heart is a truly special experience. Having a favorite show can bring immense joy, comfort, and a sense of escape from the everyday.

"Family Matters" holds sentimental value for you, and it's great to have a show that you can always turn to for entertainment and enjoyment. It's a testament to the timeless appeal of the characters, storylines, and themes present in the series.

Enjoy continuing to revisit "Family Matters" and relish in the moments that make it so special to you. Having a favorite show can provide endless hours of happiness and a connection to something that brings you joy.


I'm glad to see your enthusiasm! If you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, please let me know. Enjoy your continued love for "Family Matters"!

Ty! :>

You're welcome! I'm happy to help. If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Enjoy your time with "Family Matters" and take care!