True or False:

It is important to choose simple carbohydrates for breakfast to get you started for your day.
(1 point)
• true
• false

False. It is important to choose complex carbohydrates for breakfast to provide sustained energy throughout the day. Simple carbohydrates can cause a spike in blood sugar levels and lead to a crash later on.

True or False:

Each meal must include a food from each food group in MyPlate.
(1 point)
• true
• false

False. Each meal does not necessarily have to include a food from each food group in MyPlate. However, it is generally recommended to have a balanced and varied diet that includes foods from all the food groups over the course of the day or week.

When choosing a snack it is important to select a food that contains a large amount of these essential nutrients in comparison to the caloric value of the food.

(1 point)
• vitamins/nutrients
• vitamins/minerals
• vitamins/proteins
• vitamins/vegetables

None of the provided options accurately answer the question.

When choosing a snack, it is important to select a food that contains a good balance of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates, while considering the caloric value of the food. The goal is to choose a snack that provides nourishment and energy without excessive calories.

Units measured by the amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down are known as

(1 point)
• metabolism.
O calories.
• nutrients.
• carbohydrates.

It is often hard to practice self-control when eating in the company of others because people are greatly influenced by which of the following

(1 point)
• peers.
• environment.
• appearance of food.
• hunger.

The correct answer is peers. People are often influenced by the eating behaviors and choices of those around them, so it can be challenging to practice self-control when eating in the company of others.

The average individual should consume how many calories on a daily basis?

(1 point)
• 2,500
• 2,750
• 3,000
• 2,000

The correct answer is 2,000 calories. The average adult's daily caloric intake recommendation is around 2,000 calories, although this can vary depending on factors such as age, gender, activity level, and individual needs.

The correct answer is metabolism. Units measured by the amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down are known as metabolism.