make a story with the following words;michel,jeune garcon,aimer beaucoup voyager,rencontrer un amie,partir un voyage ensemble,visiter beaucoup de villes,une ville bizarre,tout est grand,aller voir leur roi visiter un tres grand chateau,passer un an,revenir chez eux

You could make simple sentences linking the required keywords. We will be glad to review what you have done.

please link these words and make a story

... "We will be glad to review what you have done."

Note: you are free to conjugate the verbs in order to make sentences that are gramatically correct.

I will give you a kickstart:
"Michel est un jeune garçon qui ...."

Let us explain one more time. The very nomenclature of this site "Jiskha Homework HELP" explains that we HELP, but you must DO something first. Either we can suggest where you look or help edit/correct what you have done.

It is important for this exercise to write a decent French sentence. Begin with simple sentences until you have fulfilled the requirements. No, do NOT stop there! Take 2 simple sentences and combine them into a compound/complex sentence. This will be more sophisticated and earn a better evaluation.

If you have difficulties in making the necessary accent-marks on the computer, we need to know 2 things.
1. do you have a PC or a MAC
2. do you have Windows or not.

Sra (aka M me)

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Michel who loved to travel. He had a burning desire to explore new places, meet interesting people, and learn about different cultures. His passion for adventure was insatiable.

Michel had always dreamt of visiting the beautiful countries he had read about in books. One day, while strolling through his neighborhood, he met a like-minded friend named Pierre. Pierre shared Michel's passion for travel and together, they decided to embark on an unforgettable journey.

They planned to visit various cities and experience their unique charms. From the bustling streets of Paris to the serene canals of Venice, Michel and Pierre wanted to immerse themselves in the world's wonders. Their excitement grew as they packed their bags and prepared for the adventure of a lifetime.

Amidst their travels, they stumbled upon a peculiar city that stood out from the rest. Everything about it was unusually grand, from the towering buildings to the extravagant decorations. Curious to explore further, they decided to venture into this mysterious place.

In the heart of the city, they discovered a magnificent castle that was renowned for being the residence of a supremely wise and generous king. Intrigued, Michel and Pierre sought an audience with the king to learn more about this extraordinary place.

They were granted an audience and were greeted warmly by the king himself. During their conversation, the king shared his wisdom and knowledge about the world, leaving Michel and Pierre in awe. They spent a whole year in this extraordinary city, soaking up the grandeur and expanding their horizons.

However, as much as they enjoyed their time in this strange city, Michel and Pierre couldn't help but yearn for their own homes. With a heavy heart, they bid farewell to the king and the exceptional city, promising to return someday.

As they embarked on their journey back home, Michel and Pierre carried a treasure trove of memories and experiences. The friends realized that while their travels had introduced them to incredible sights and fascinating people, the most valuable lesson they learned was the significance of their own homes and the remarkable adventures that awaited them there.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Michel and Pierre returned to their respective homes, eager to share their tales of adventure with their loved ones. The year-long journey had transformed them, leaving behind cherished memories and a deep appreciation for the beauty of their own lives.

And so, as they settled back into the comfort of their homes, Michel and Pierre recognized that true fulfillment lies not only in the thrill of exploration, but also in the warmth of homecoming and the companionship of lifelong friends.