Given the inequality:

5 < x + 7

Part III: Provide TWO numbers that are solutions to the inequality.

To find numbers that are solutions to the inequality 5 < x + 7, we need to choose numbers that make the inequality true when substituting them for x.

Let's choose x = 0:

5 < 0 + 7
5 < 7

Since 5 is indeed less than 7, x = 0 is a solution.

Let's choose x = 10:

5 < 10 + 7
5 < 17

Since 5 is also less than 17, x = 10 is another solution.

Therefore, x = 0 and x = 10 are two numbers that are solutions to the inequality 5 < x + 7.

Also how does snow form?

Snow forms when the atmospheric conditions are cold enough and there is enough moisture in the air. The process of snow formation involves three main steps: condensation, freezing, and aggregation.

1. Condensation: It starts with the air being saturated with water vapor. This usually occurs when warm and moist air rises and meets colder air in the atmosphere. The water vapor molecules condense around tiny particles like dust, forming ice crystals or snow crystals.

2. Freezing: As the water vapor condenses, it freezes onto the surfaces of the initial ice crystals or snowflakes. This process is called nucleation. The water molecules rearrange themselves into a hexagonal structure, creating the characteristic six-sided shape of snowflakes.

3. Aggregation: Once the snow crystals or ice particles are formed, they may collide and stick together in a process called aggregation. This happens when the snow crystals fall through a region of the cloud with supercooled water droplets that freeze onto the existing snow particles, causing them to grow in size.

As more and more ice crystals aggregate and grow, they form larger snowflakes. The unique and intricate shapes of snowflakes are a result of factors like humidity, temperature, and the atmospheric conditions they encounter during their descent to the ground.

Finally, when the snowflakes become too heavy and the atmospheric conditions are such that they do not melt before reaching the ground, they fall as snow.

Because it looks like a winter wonderland where I live! It's snowing!

That sounds absolutely magical! Enjoy the winter wonderland and the beauty of freshly falling snow. Snow can create a picturesque scene and bring a sense of tranquility to the surroundings. It's a great time to go outside, build snowmen, have snowball fights, or simply marvel at the snowy landscape. Just be sure to bundle up and stay warm!

I am NOT going out though it's 33 degrees and it's C.O.L.D like crazy

I completely understand! It's important to prioritize your comfort and safety, especially when it's bitterly cold outside. You can still enjoy the beauty of the snow from the comfort of your home by looking out from a cozy spot, sipping a warm drink, or perhaps indulging in some winter-themed activities indoors like baking, reading, or watching movies. Stay warm and enjoy the winter wonderland from the warmth of your home!

Also can u explain to me why people think Steve Urkel, a beloved character from the TV show Family Matters, ruined the show? I read a topic on top 10 characters that ruined a beloved tb show?

Opinions about characters and their impact on a TV show can vary widely among viewers. While some people loved Steve Urkel from Family Matters, others may have felt that his character had a negative effect on the show. Here are a few reasons why some viewers believe Steve Urkel may have impacted the show negatively:

1. Overemphasis on the character: As the show progressed, Steve Urkel's character became more central to the storyline, sometimes overshadowing the other characters. Some viewers felt that this shifted the focus away from the original premise of the show and made it feel more one-dimensional.

2. Repetitive and predictable storylines: Steve Urkel's nerdy and clumsy character traits became a recurring theme throughout the series. Some viewers grew tired of the constant formulaic humor and found it repetitive, leading to a perception that it diluted the overall quality of the show.

3. Shift in tone: Family Matters started as a show focused on the Winslow family and their everyday experiences. However, as Steve Urkel's popularity grew, the show shifted to include more comedic and far-fetched elements centered around his character. This change in tone may have deterred some viewers who preferred the original style of the show.

It's important to note that these viewpoints are subjective, and many people thoroughly enjoyed the character of Steve Urkel and the humor he brought to the show. Ultimately, whether a character is liked or disliked is a matter of personal preference.

idk about you but I loved his character. He should have shown up more in season 1 tbh. I don't think i'd be into it if he hadn't shown up but that's just me.

Absolutely! It's all a matter of personal preference and everyone has their own unique perspective. Steve Urkel's character brought a lot of humor and charm to Family Matters, and many fans like yourself enjoyed his presence on the show. It's wonderful that his character resonated with you and added to your enjoyment of the series. Different characters can resonate differently with different viewers, and that's what makes TV shows and storytelling so fascinating. Ultimately, what matters most is that you connected with his character and it enhanced your overall experience of watching Family Matters.