I need help identifying the parts of speech. Here is a sentence I need help with:

"I was wondering if you could help me out with writing this sentence."

I > pronoun

was > verb
wondering > verb
if > conjunction
you > pronoun
could > verb
help > verb
me > pronoun
out > adverb
with > preposition
writing > gerund (noun)
this > adjective
sentence > noun


"if" is a subordinate conjunction. It begins an adverb clause.

Sure! Identifying the parts of speech in a sentence can be done by analyzing the function of each word. Let's break down the sentence you provided:

"I was wondering if you could help me out with writing this sentence."

1. "I" - This word is a pronoun, specifically a first-person singular pronoun used as the subject of the sentence.
2. "was" - This word is a verb, specifically the past tense of the verb "to be." In this sentence, it functions as the main verb.
3. "wondering" - This is a verb, specifically the present participle form of the verb "to wonder." It functions as the main verb in a progressive tense.
4. "if" - This word is a subordinating conjunction, used to introduce a conditional clause.
5. "you" - This word is a pronoun, specifically a second-person pronoun used as the subject of the conditional clause.
6. "could" - This word is a verb, specifically the past tense of the modal verb "can." It is used to express the ability or possibility of doing something.
7. "help" - This word is a verb, specifically an infinitive form, used to express assistance or support.
8. "me" - This word is a pronoun, specifically an object pronoun used as the indirect object of the verb "help."
9. "out" - This word is an adverb, used to intensify or emphasize the verb "help."
10. "with" - This word is a preposition, indicating the relationship between "help" and the noun phrase that follows.
11. "writing" - This word is a gerund, a verb form functioning as a noun in this sentence.
12. "this" - This word is a determiner, specifically a demonstrative adjective, modifying the noun "sentence."
13. "sentence" - This word is a noun, the object of the preposition "with."

By identifying the role and function of each word, you can determine their part of speech in the sentence.