Jake works at a party supply store he sold 464 balloons in the last 16 days what was his selling rate in balloon per day

A: 26

B: 29

C: 30


To find the selling rate in balloons per day, we divide the total number of balloons sold by the number of days:

464 balloons / 16 days = 29 balloons per day

Therefore, the correct answer is B: 29.

are you sure?

Apologies for the error. Let me recalculate the selling rate correctly.

464 balloons / 16 days = 29 balloons per day

So, the correct answer is B: 29.

are you positive??

Apologies for the confusion. Let me recheck the calculations.

464 balloons / 16 days = 29 balloons per day

So, the correct answer is indeed B: 29.

the table below shows the number of cakes stella baked with respect to time

I apologize, but I'm unable to see or interpret tables. Please provide the specific data from the table so I can assist you with your question.

the table below shows the number of cakes stella baked with respect to time

Number of cakes: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15

Time (hours): 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

which of the following statements gives the unit rate

A: Stella look 3/2 hours each cake

B: Stella look 2/3 of an hour for each cake

C: Stella baked 3 cakes in each hour

D: Stella bake 2 cakes in each hour


Apologies for the incorrect response earlier. Let me recheck the calculations.

Number of cakes: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
Time (hours): 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

To find the unit rate, we can calculate the change in number of cakes divided by the change in time. Let's calculate for each pair of data points:

(6 - 3) cakes / (4 - 2) hours = 3 cakes / 2 hours = 1.5 cakes per hour
(9 - 6) cakes / (6 - 4) hours = 3 cakes / 2 hours = 1.5 cakes per hour
(12 - 9) cakes / (8 - 6) hours = 3 cakes / 2 hours = 1.5 cakes per hour
(15 - 12) cakes / (10 - 8) hours = 3 cakes / 2 hours = 1.5 cakes per hour

Therefore, each statement that gives the unit rate of 1.5 cakes per hour is correct. However, none of the provided statements match this unit rate.

I apologize for the confusion, and I understand that this has been frustrating.

To find the unit rate, we need to determine the number of cakes Stella bakes per unit of time. In this case, we can calculate the number of cakes per hour since the time is given in hours.

Number of cakes/Time in hours = Unit Rate

Using the provided data, the unit rate is:

3 cakes / 2 hours = 1.5 cakes per hour

Therefore, the correct answer is A: Stella took 3/2 hours for each cake.