Scientists do their experimental tests more than once so they can reduce the effects of chance errors this called conducting__________?

With poor punctuation it's difficult to know exactly what you want. Yes, we do tests repeatedly. Replicates may fit in the blank but there are numerous words that may fit.

the word has 14 letters. It is a kids cross word puzzle


repeated trials


Scientists conduct multiple experimental tests to reduce the effects of chance errors. This is called conducting "replicates" or "replications." Replication involves reproducing an experiment or study multiple times to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results. By conducting replications, scientists can determine if the findings are consistent and not just a result of random chance or errors. It also allows them to identify any potential outliers or anomalies that may impact the overall conclusions. Overall, replication is an essential practice in scientific research to ensure the validity and robustness of the findings.