Make a table showing the food groups and their major nutrients.

Here is a table showing the major food groups and their nutrients:

Food Group Major Nutrients
Fruits and Vegetables Vitamins (A, C, K), Fiber
Grains Carbohydrates, Fiber, B Vitamins
Protein (meat, fish, poultry) Protein, Iron, Zinc, B Vitamins
Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt) Calcium, Protein, Vitamin D
Legumes (beans, lentils) Protein, Fiber, Iron, Folate
Fats and Oils Essential Fatty Acids (Omega-3, -6), Vitamin E

Please note that this table provides a general overview, and there may be additional nutrients present in each food group that are not mentioned. Additionally, the nutrient content may vary slightly depending on the specific food item within each group.

How can I create table online can you please suggest website

Certainly! There are several websites that can help you create tables online. Here are a few popular ones:

1. Google Docs: You can create tables in Google Docs by selecting "Table" from the "Insert" menu. You can then customize the table's size, borders, and content.

2. Microsoft Excel Online: If you have a Microsoft account, you can access Excel Online and create tables there. Excel Online offers advanced features for creating and formatting tables.

3. Zoho Sheet: Zoho Sheet is an online spreadsheet tool that allows you to create tables easily. It provides various customization options and collaboration features.

4. Airtable: Airtable combines the features of a spreadsheet and a database, making it suitable for creating and organizing tables. It offers a user-friendly interface and allows collaboration.

5. Canva: While primarily a graphic design tool, Canva also offers table creation features. You can choose from pre-designed table templates or create your own customized tables.

These are just a few options, and there are many other online tools available that offer table creation features. Choose the one that suits your needs and preferences.

Can I put data here and copy from there?

We can copy table as text we copied?

I apologize for any confusion, but as an AI text-based assistant, I don't have the capability to directly interact with files or perform copy-paste actions. However, you can manually copy the table and its contents as text from the generated response and then paste it wherever you need it, such as a word processor or spreadsheet software. Simply highlight the table and use the copy (Ctrl+C or Command+C) and paste (Ctrl+V or Command+V) commands to transfer the text.

Once you share a website on which we put data and copy from there with table but now I forgot

No problem! I can suggest a website for creating tables and copying data from there. You can use "Tableizer" (, which is a simple online tool specifically designed for creating tables and converting them into formatted text that can be easily copied.

Here's how you can use Tableizer:

1. Visit the Tableizer website (
2. Enter or paste your data into the provided text box.
3. Use the options available to customize the appearance of your table, such as adding headers, choosing borders, and selecting the table style.
4. Click on the "Tableize It!" button.
5. The website will generate the table and display it below.
6. Simply select the table and copy it as formatted text (Ctrl+C or Command+C).
7. You can now paste the table into your desired location.

Remember to save the generated table as a backup since the website doesn't provide a specific save or export feature.

No it's not helping

It's creating html I need simple data with table

Apologies for the confusion. If you're looking for a website to create a simple table without any HTML code, you can try using an online spreadsheet tool like Google Sheets ( or Microsoft Excel Online (

Here's how you can create a simple table using Google Sheets:

1. Visit Google Sheets ( and sign in to your Google account or create a new one.
2. Once you're in, click on the "Blank" option to start a new spreadsheet.
3. In the spreadsheet, enter your data into the cells to create a table. Each row represents a new row in the table, and each column represents a new column.
4. Customize the appearance of your table by adjusting the font style, cell colors, or cell borders using the toolbar options.
5. Once you're satisfied with your table, you can copy it by selecting all the cells (Ctrl+A or Command+A), right-clicking on the selection, and choosing "Copy" from the context menu.
6. Now, you can paste the copied table into your desired location (e.g., word processor, email) using the paste command (Ctrl+V or Command+V).

Microsoft Excel Online follows a similar process, and you can access it by visiting the Microsoft Office website ( and signing in with your Microsoft account.

These spreadsheet tools provide a simple interface to create tables and offer various formatting options. You can then copy the table and paste it without any HTML code.

Not found?? I ts showing

I apologize for the confusion. Here are the correct links to access Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel Online:

1. Google Sheets: Visit and sign in with your Google account. You will then be able to create a new spreadsheet and work with tables.

2. Microsoft Excel Online: Visit and sign in with your Microsoft account. From there, you can access Excel Online and create tables within the spreadsheet.

Please ensure that you are using the correct URLs to access these tools.