In the last 8 days, Laura has jogged 36 miles. At what rate did Laura jog each day

To find the rate at which Laura jogged each day, divide the total distance jogged by the number of days: 36 miles / 8 days = <<36/8=4.5>>4.5 miles per day. Answer: \boxed{4.5}.

Joey's dog eats 5.6 pounds of food in 16 days. At what rate does Joey's dog eat?

To find the rate at which Joey's dog eats food, divide the total amount of food eaten by the number of days it took: 5.6 pounds / 16 days = <<5.6/16=0.35>>0.35 pounds per day. Answer: \boxed{0.35}.

Tia earns $32.00 for 4 hours of tutoring. How much would Tia earn for 9.5 hours?

To find out how much Tia would earn for 9.5 hours of tutoring, we can set up a proportion.

We know that Tia earns $32.00 for 4 hours, so the rate of earning is $32.00/4 hours = $8.00 per hour.

Let's use this rate to find out how much Tia would earn for 9.5 hours.

Earnings for 9.5 hours = ($8.00 per hour) x (9.5 hours) = $<<8*9.5=76.00>>76.00

Tia would earn $76.00 for 9.5 hours of tutoring.

Linh's car travels 112.75 miles on 5.5 gallons of gas. How far will it travel on 7.4 gallons?

To find out how far Linh's car will travel on 7.4 gallons of gas, we can set up a ratio based on the given information.

The car travels 112.75 miles on 5.5 gallons, so the ratio of miles to gallons is 112.75 miles / 5.5 gallons.

Now, let's use this ratio to find out how far the car will travel on 7.4 gallons of gas.

Distance on 7.4 gallons = (112.75 miles / 5.5 gallons) x 7.4 gallons

= (112.75 miles / 5.5 gallons) * 7.4 gallons

= (112.75 * 7.4) miles

= 834.85 miles

Therefore, Linh's car will travel approximately 834.85 miles on 7.4 gallons of gas.

Pilar can make 84 muffins using 14 cups of flour. How much flour would Pilar use to make 60 muffins?

To find out how much flour Pilar would use to make 60 muffins, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

Pilar can make 84 muffins using 14 cups of flour, so the ratio of muffins to cups of flour is 84 muffins / 14 cups of flour.

Now, let's use this ratio to find out how much flour Pilar would use to make 60 muffins.

Flour required for 60 muffins = (84 muffins / 14 cups of flour) x 60 muffins

= (84 muffins / 14 cups of flour) * 60 muffins

= (84/14) * 60 cups of flour

= 6 * 60 cups of flour

= 360 cups of flour

Therefore, Pilar would use approximately 360 cups of flour to make 60 muffins.

wrong chose

3 cups
6 cups
10 cups
or 19.6 cups

Apologies for the previous incorrect response. Let's recalculate using the options provided.

If Pilar can make 84 muffins using 14 cups of flour, we can set up a proportion:

84 muffins / 14 cups = 60 muffins / x

To solve for x, cross-multiply:

84 * x = 14 * 60

84x = 840

Divide both sides by 84:

x = 840 / 84

x = 10

Therefore, Pilar would use 10 cups of flour to make 60 muffins.