Why is it when you add bromine to trans-cinnamic acid, it is more slow than the addition of BR2 to a regular alkene?

You might want to look at the mechanism of bromine addition to an alkene.

To understand why the addition of bromine to trans-cinnamic acid is slower compared to the addition of bromine (Br2) to a regular alkene, it is important to look at the mechanism of bromine addition to an alkene.

The mechanism of bromine addition to an alkene involves a process called electrophilic addition. This reaction occurs through the formation of a bromonium ion intermediate. Here's a step-by-step explanation of the mechanism:

1. Initially, the bromine molecule (Br2) approaches the alkene and gets polarized due to the unsaturated electron cloud of the double bond.
2. The polarized bromine molecule breaks, forming two bromine atoms with a partial positive charge. One bromine atom donates its electrons to the other bromine atom, generating a bromonium ion.
3. The double bond of the alkene acts as a nucleophile attacking the partially positive carbon atom of the bromonium ion.
4. This attack leads to the formation of a cyclic intermediate where the bromine is bonded to one carbon of the previously double-bonded alkene and the other carbon of the double bond has a partial positive charge.
5. The intermediate is unstable, and a halide ion (in this case, bromide ion) acts as a nucleophile, attacking the positively charged carbon atom.
6. The bromide ion forms a bond with the carbon atom and displaces the bromine atom bonded to the other carbon of the alkene, resulting in the formation of a vicinal dihalide product.

Now, when we consider the addition of bromine to trans-cinnamic acid, there is an additional factor to consider. Trans-cinnamic acid contains a carboxylic acid functional group (-COOH) in addition to the carbon-carbon double bond. Carboxylic acids have acidic protons that can react with bases, including bromide ions.

The presence of the acidic proton makes the reaction between bromine and trans-cinnamic acid more complex. It involves a combination of electrophilic addition at the double bond and potentially acid-base reaction at the carboxylic acid group. This can slow down the overall reaction rate compared to the addition of bromine to a regular alkene that lacks additional functional groups.

In summary, the addition of bromine to trans-cinnamic acid is more slow compared to the addition of bromine to a regular alkene due to the added complexity of potential acid-base reactions involving the carboxylic acid group present in trans-cinnamic acid.

When bromine (Br2) is added to an alkene, the reaction proceeds via an electrophilic addition mechanism. The double bond of the alkene acts as a nucleophile, attacking one of the bromine atoms and forming a bromonium ion intermediate. This intermediate is then attacked by a nucleophile, such as a bromide ion, which leads to the formation of the product.

On the other hand, when bromine is added to trans-cinnamic acid, the reaction is slower because the carboxylic acid functional group present in cinnamic acid can act as a deactivating group towards electrophilic addition reactions. This is due to the electron-withdrawing nature of the carboxylic acid group, which reduces the nucleophilic character of the alkene double bond.

Additionally, the presence of the carboxylic acid group can hinder the approach of the bromine molecule to the double bond, making the reaction more sluggish. This steric hindrance arises because the carboxylic acid group is bulkier and sterically obstructs the approaching bromine molecule.

In summary, the slower addition of bromine to trans-cinnamic acid compared to a regular alkene is primarily due to the presence of the electron-withdrawing carboxylic acid group and steric hindrance caused by its bulky nature, which collectively impede the reaction progress.