I am doing a persuasive essay on the war against drugs and my thoughts towards doing drugs are against it. I need help with creating a thesis for my essay here is what I came uo with can someone help me please.

1. Drugs in reality may seem cool, but drugs aren’t cool when they lead to crime, health issues or even death, saying no to drugs is what’s cool.
2. Sure drugs may seem cool and may make a person feel good, but it only last for so long, saying no to any type of drug is okay.

The second is better than the first, but it still needs work. For one thing, there's a run-on there; it's really 2 sentences, with the second independent clause starting with "saying" -- but before you work on fixing it, read through these:



Let us know what you decide.

How about this thesis tell me if this sounds any better:Drugs in reality may seem cool, but drugs aren’t cool when they lead to sub sequential events, don’t be ashamed to say no to drugs.

When creating a thesis statement for your persuasive essay on the war against drugs, it's essential to have a clear and concise argument that reflects your stance. Here are two possible options based on the ideas you provided:

1. The war against drugs is crucial to combat the adverse effects they have on society, including increased crime rates, health risks, and potential fatalities. By advocating for saying no to drugs, we can promote a safer and healthier environment.

2. While drugs might initially seem appealing due to their perceived temporary benefits, it is essential to recognize the long-lasting negative consequences they bring. Emphasizing the importance of saying no to drugs can help mitigate these detrimental effects and ensure the well-being of individuals and communities.

Remember that your thesis statement should clearly state your opinion and briefly outline the main points you will discuss throughout your essay. Feel free to modify or refine these suggestions to better fit your perspective and support your argument.