I had to identify fallacies in my assignment.

The statement is "Many diseases hit individuals through no fault of their own, but obesity is in a different category."

I think this is an example of scape goat. I need to know if this is correct or not.

To determine if the identification of a fallacy is correct, you'll need to analyze the statement's argument structure and reasoning. In this case, the statement suggests that while many diseases are not caused by an individual's fault, obesity is somehow different.

The claim being made implies that obesity is somehow distinct from other diseases in terms of its causation. If you believe this statement is an example of the "scapegoat fallacy," it suggests that the argument is assigning blame or responsibility unfairly. However, it's worth noting that the "scapegoat fallacy" typically involves blaming a single person or group for a larger issue or problem, rather than distinguishing one condition from others.

To more accurately identify any fallacy present, it is important to consider the context and the reasoning behind the argument. It could be helpful to explore alternative fallacies such as "false dichotomy" or "begging the question," where the given statement assumes that obesity is uniquely different without providing solid reasoning or evidence. Evaluate whether the argument is logically flawed, misleading, or lacking supportive evidence to make a determination about the specific fallacy at play.