4kg of apples costing 80 cents per kg are mixed with 8 kg costing 56 cents per kg.What is the average price per kg?

For every kg at 80 cents, there are two kg at 56 cents.

Does that help? Thanks for asking.

To find the average price per kg, we need to calculate the total cost and total weight of the apples.

Let's start by finding the total cost.

For the 4 kg of apples costing 80 cents per kg, the total cost is:
4 kg * 80 cents/kg = 320 cents.

For the 8 kg of apples costing 56 cents per kg, the total cost is:
8 kg * 56 cents/kg = 448 cents.

Now, let's find the total weight of the apples:

Total weight = weight of the first batch + weight of the second batch.
Total weight = 4 kg + 8 kg = 12 kg.

Finally, we can calculate the average price per kg using the formula:

Average price per kg = Total cost / Total weight.

Average price per kg = (320 cents + 448 cents) / 12 kg.

Converting the cents to dollars:

Average price per kg = (3.20 dollars + 4.48 dollars) / 12 kg.

Average price per kg = 7.68 dollars / 12 kg.

Calculating the average price per kg:

Average price per kg = 0.64 dollars/kg.

Therefore, the average price per kg of the mixed apples is 0.64 dollars.