what other countries were involved in the indian french war

The Indian French War, also known as the Carnatic Wars, were a series of military conflicts fought in India between the French East India Company and the British East India Company. While France and Britain were the main players, several other countries and local factions were involved in different capacities. They include:

1. Mughal Empire: The Mughal Empire, which controlled a significant part of India during that time, had limited involvement in the conflict. They supported different factions at different times, depending on their own interests.

2. Nawab of Bengal: The Nawab of Bengal was an influential local ruler who played a role in the Carnatic Wars. Initially, the Nawab supported the French, but later switched sides to support the British.

3. Dutch East India Company: The Dutch East India Company had trading interests in India and was indirectly involved in the conflict. They sometimes supported the French or British, depending on their commercial interests.

4. Marathas: The Maratha Empire, a powerful regional force, also played a part in the Carnatic Wars. They initially supported the French but later sided with the British.

5. Nizam of Hyderabad: The Nizam of Hyderabad, another influential regional ruler, had a complex relationship with the French and British, sometimes forming alliances with one side or switching alliances.

It is important to note that the involvement of these countries or factions varied throughout the different phases of the Carnatic Wars, with alliances and loyalties shifting over time.

what were they fighting over

The Indian French War, or the Carnatic Wars, was primarily fought over territorial and economic control in India. The conflict revolved around the struggle between the French East India Company and the British East India Company for dominance in the region.

The French and British East India Companies were competing for trade monopolies, influence over local rulers, and control over important trading posts and ports in South India. This included territories such as Madras (present-day Chennai), Pondicherry, and other regions in the Carnatic region.

The different local rulers, such as the Nawab of Bengal, Nizam of Hyderabad, and Marathas, were also involved as they formed alliances with the French or British in an effort to secure their own power and make gains against rival factions.

Religious and political rivalries, as well as a desire for economic supremacy, fueled much of the conflict. The wars were part of the larger European struggle for influence and colonies in India during the 18th century.

how long was the war

The Indian French War, or the Carnatic Wars, spanned a period of about four decades, from 1746 to 1783. It consisted of a series of three major conflicts known as the First Carnatic War (1746-1748), the Second Carnatic War (1749-1754), and the Third Carnatic War (1757-1763). Additionally, there were intermittent periods of relative peace and smaller skirmishes between the French and British forces during this time. The conflicts came to an end with the Treaty of Paris in 1783, which marked the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War and resulted in the British East India Company emerging as the dominant power in India.

how long did it last

The Indian French War, or the Carnatic Wars, lasted for approximately 37 years, from 1746 to 1783. This extended period of conflict included multiple campaigns, battles, and diplomatic maneuvering between the French and British forces, as well as their respective allies and local rulers in India.

then why is it called the 7 year war

The conflict you are referring to as the "7 Year War" is known as the Seven Years' War or the Global Conflict (1756-1763). It was a larger global conflict involving various European powers, including France and Britain, fighting in different parts of the world, including Europe, North America, and India.

The Indian theater of the Seven Years' War was one aspect of the broader conflict. In India, this particular phase of the war is often referred to as the Third Carnatic War (1757-1763), which was a significant part of the overall Seven Years' War. The terminology can vary, and the different phases and aspects of the conflict are often referred to by different names, which can sometimes cause confusion.

so there different wars

Yes, that is correct. The Indian French War, also known as the Carnatic Wars, refers to a series of wars fought between the French and British East India Companies in India from 1746 to 1783. These wars were focused on territorial and economic control in specific regions of India, primarily in the Carnatic region.

On the other hand, the Seven Years' War, also known as the Global Conflict, was a larger global conflict that involved multiple European powers, including France and Britain, fighting in different parts of the world. The Indian theater of the Seven Years' War was part of the broader conflict and is sometimes referred to as the Third Carnatic War.

While the Indian French War and the Indian theater of the Seven Years' War were related, they were distinct conflicts with different durations and contexts.